Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up to bright light. Please tell me I'm not in a hospital. Again. They might think this was suicide. "Hey, you're awake." someone said. I looked over and saw Ty. I smiled a little. At least Ty still cared. "Hey." I said weakly. I remember what happened and I don't wanna talk about it. "Why'd you punch the mirror?" Ty asked. "Because I lost my best friend." Ty looked confused. "Ty, dad died in war. I saw, yesterday, and he was in a casket. His chest wasn't falling or rising. He's gone, Ty. My best friend in the whole entire space continueum is gone." I said. Ty just nodded. We got me checked out and went home. It was noon. We got lunch from McDonald's and went home. I decided to do a v-log before I eat.

"Hey guys, I'm back with another v-log. OK, yesterday, something happened and it's a touchy subject, so I want to apologize in advance for the crying that might happen. OK, here goes nothing. Yesterday, my school has a day when veteran parents of kids from Yancy come home for two days. And, when they were calling the kids up, I was last. I was last because my dad died." The tears started coming. "Many people know what it's like having to loose their best friend. That happened to me. My dad was the literally the best friend and dad I ever had. He always encouraged me when Austin put me down. He always came to my old dance recitals. Yes, I danced for a while, but only with old my friend, Cameron Leahy. But it's been forever since I've seen him. The last time I saw him was at our dance recital when we were 10. Teachers and judges called us flawless. Every now and then, I catch myself dancing a little bit to the beat. He is now in a band called Downtown Fiction with his new friends. I forgot their names. Sorry guys. Um, I'm still going to Pax, so don't worry about that. And, yeah. I just got home from the hospital and McDonald's a few minutes ago and decided to make a v-log. I was angry when I got home so I punched our bathroom mirror and broke some vases. Then, I let my hands bleed and then I passed out due to too much blood loss. So, today has been eventful. That's all I got to say. I shall see yo pretty faces later. Bye"

I edited and uploaded. After that, I laid back on my bed, started listening to music and eating. Food is a girls' best friend. 'Darling, I can't help but feel sorry for you. I know what it's like to loose someone who was very close. I'm sorry for your loss." Aiden said. "It's fine Aiden. You didn't make it happen." I mumbled. 'I have a secret that I think you should know. Your mother did not go crazy. She is sane and is living Denver, Colorado. Your dad was just scared that you'd leave him for your mother. She misses you so much. She wants to see you but is afraid to visit. Just thought you should know." Aiden said. "Thank you, Aiden." I whispered and fell asleep.

*Week Of Pax*

I was so excited! PAX IS HERE!. I literally ran around the house screaming 'PAX PAX PAX!' at the top of my lungs. Jason came and picked us up so we could head to the Civic Center. The guys walked in before me and I hung back. My earplugs were in. Practically everybody knows not to disturb me when the earplugs were in. I walked in and looked around. Ty started pulling me to the signing booth. He sat me down next to him, the others on his other side. The signing went by so slowly. Like seriously, let's go people. I was finishing up when I heard the music starting to play. I immediately got up and sprinted to the stage. I made it right as I was supposed to sing. It was 'Bad Reputation' by Avril Lavigne.vThat ended and we went into 'Young Volcanoes' by Fall Out Boy. On and on we went. We ended with 'I Don't Wanna Be In Love' by Good Charlotte. As Jackson, Max, Ash, and I were walking to the doors, I accidentally run into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I say getting up. "No bigy, I'm fine. Are you?" the guys asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say, still looking at the ground and rubbing my arm. "Oh my gosh. Alex?!" the guy asked hopingly. At this, I looked up. "CAMERON" I screamed. He opened his arms and I jumped into them. "Oh my gosh, Cameron, I can't believe it's you. It's been 7 years." I say, still in his arms. "I know, it's been too long. I see your blue dye faded out. Do you know the guys?" he asked and let go. I looked at the other guys and shook my head.

"OK, well this is David, he plays bass. Then there's Wes, he plays lead guitar, and finally, there's Kyle, he plays drums." he says. I nod my head. "Oh and these guys are my band. There's Ash who plays lead guitar. Jackson who plays bass. And Max who plays drum." I say, pointing to each off them as I introduce them. Cameron nods. "We should get together sometime, and catch up." he says and hands me his number. "Yeah, anytime works for me really." i say and tuck the paper in my pocket. "Does right now work?" he asks and raises his eyebrows. "Yeah, sure." I say laughing. "OK, let's go. Guys, mingle with the others." Cameron says and takes my hand. We start running to the park. We sat down and started talking. It's been forever since we've talked. He still had his hair up in a ramp like way and his eyes are green/blue. I missed him and now he's here.

Mitch's P.O.V.

As we sat down for signing, I saw a lot of people. This is gonna take a while. Many of the fans passed me and only got Alex and Ty's signature. Did I forget to mention, I turned everybody but Jason and Ty against Alex. After signing, Alex took off towards the stage for her performance. I may hate her, but that girl can still sing. I saw Michelle walk in and ran over to her. We walked, hand-in-hand, to the stage so we could watch them. After they finished, they started heading to the doors. We still had 4 hours left of Pax, but Michelle was hungry and I agreed to get food with her. As we were nearing the doors, I saw Alex and a guys bump into each other. Clumsy much. They both got up. The guy said something that made her look up. Her face instantly brightened as she shouted something and jumped into his arms. What the hell?! "Mitch, why do you keep staring at the thing?" Michelle snapped. "I'm just confused as to why she isn't crying over me. Guess I didn't mean a lot to her." I say. I had told Michelle that I cheated on Alex with her because I didn't like Alex anymore. She totally understood and was happy to help me break up with Alex.

But, seriously, why wasn't she balling over me. By now, the girl would be on her knees begging me to take her back. Alex really is odd. The guy took her hand and they started running out of Pax while the other guys that were there started talking. Michelle and I ate our food and then headed to the park by Alex and Ty's house. I saw Alex and the guy laughing and smiling and just having the time of their lives. When Alex looked over and saw me, her smile faded and she got a sullen look in her eye. If I can't make her sad, let's make her angry.

Hey guys, what's up. I'm here with another part. Hope you guys enjoyed. Remember to leave a vote if you liked it.

QOTD: What song are you obsessed with right now?

Mine is 'Thanks for Nothing' and 'Freak' by Downtown Fiction.

I have a problem.

With my obsession of music.

Oh well BAI!

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