Chapter Twenty-One

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EDIT: Just realized that I never posted the last chapter to this story. And reminder: I wrote this three years ago. I apologize for the cringe it brings.

Chapter Twenty-One: Alex's P.O.V.

As soon as I had changed into my sweats and took my blouse off (Remember I have a tank-top on), I checked my vlog. I had many likes and dis-likes along with many comments. Most of them negative, but a few positive. I just stared at the one comment that hurt me the worst. It said:

This is a joke, right? Why the hell would Mitch ever fall for you again. You are such a slut. Just wait until Mitch see's me, he'll TOTALLY leave you. And that ring will be mine. You should go kill yourself you attention whore. NO ONE LIKES YOU!

Tears were slowly falling down my face. My door opened. I closed YouTube and dried my eyes. "Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" Mitch asked bending down next to me. "Nothing, I'm fine." I said, plastering a fake smile on my face. He didn't seem convinced but went along with it. "OK, well, it's getting late. We should go to sleep." he said and helped me up. "Do you mind me sleeping with you tonight. It has been a while since we saw each other." he asked. "Yeah, sure." I said and climbed into bed. Mitch climbed in right after me. He had sweats on and a t-shirt. My mind kept floating to the comment on YouTube. That was all I could think about. Tears wanted to come, but I forced them back. Mitch shouldn't know about this. It would just interfere. I fell asleep to the steady beating of Mitch's heart.

Mitch's P.O.V.

I walked into Alex's room since I didn't hear anything. I saw her close YouTube and saw the faint tear streaks on her face. "Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" I asked her. Please tell me. "Nothing, I'm fine." she said and put a fake smile on. I wasn't convinced. Something is wrong, but I'll ask her tomorrow. "OK, well, it's getting late. We should go to sleep." I said and helped her get out of her chair. "Do you mind me sleeping with you tonight. It has been a while since we saw each other." "Yeah, sure." she answered and climbed into bed, me behind her. I laid awake wondering what was bothering her. As soon as I was sure Alex was asleep, I got up and went to her laptop. I turned the brightness down and went to her page. I put in the earplugs and watched her vlog of us outside. When I finished I read the comments. Why were they so mean, especially this one:

This is a joke, right? Why the hell would Mitch ever fall for you again. You are such a slut. Just wait until Mitch see's me, he'll TOTALLY leave you. And that ring will be mine. You should go kill yourself you attention whore. NO ONE LIKES YOU!

I've had enough. I crept to my room, pulled out my laptop, went to the vlog, and replied to the comment:

Hey there, shut up. This is not a joke. I love Alex and if you can't accept that, then leave us alone. You mess with Alex, you mess with me. Whoever hurts her, hurts me. So just stop.

After that, I decided to make a vlog.

"Hey guys, it's Mitch or BajanCanadian here with a little v-log. It has reccently been brought to my attention that a lot of you don't like Alex, then you can unsubscribe. It doesn't matter to me about the number, it just matters that I have people in my life who accept me and the people I fall in love with. And if you can't accept Alex and I, well we're gonna have some problems. I've already had to tell one person off and I don't want to do it again. So yeah, I'll see you guys later."

I uploaded it and walked back to Alex's room. I crawled back into her bed and wrapped my arms around her. Please let the hate stop.

Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up to find Mitch with his arms wrapped around me. I just laid there and thought about yesterday. Then I remembered the comments on my video and my smile faltered. "Morning baby girl, what's wrong?" Mitch asked, stretching a little bit. "Nothings wrong." I lied. "Alex, I know. "Know what?" I asked. What does he know. "The hate comments. I checked. Please don't be mad at me." he said and hugged me. "I wasn't sure I should tell you. I didn't want it to intefere with your life." I said, crying a little. "Shh, it's ok. I want you to tell me when this stuff happens. Your life is my life and my life is your life. We should tell each other everything. OK?" I nodded. We stayed in bed a while longer. We got up and walked downstairs. "Morning Max. Where's my mom?" I asked getting some milk from the fridge. "She has to go to the store. She'll be back in a little while." Max answered. Mitch walked out to the living room after he got his cereal. "Alex, did you two do it last night?" Max asked, stopping me. "WHAT? NO! Ew, Max, seriously. No, all we did was sleep." I answered. "What about the ring on your finger?" Gosh Max was full of questions. "Promise ring. Nothing really really really serious. Calm down." I said and walked up to my room. Let's check the hate comments. I checked the vlog and more hate comments were there. I was sick and tired of this. So, I took my lap-top and threw it out the window. "oops.' I said blankly and walked back downstairs. Mitch reached me before Max. "What happened? Are you OK?" he asked in a rush. "Nothing." I said and looked at the floor. "Alex," Mitch gently lifted my chin so I would face him, "remember what we said earlier. We are going to tell each other everything." I nodded. He led me over to the couch and sat down next to me. "OK, tell me what happened." Mitch said. Max came and sat in the love seat. "Well, I went upstairs to check YouTube and when I saw that there were so many more hate comments than from yesterday, I just kinda lost it. So, I threw my lap-top out the window." I said and buried my head in my hands. Mitch rubbed my back and pulled me onto his lap. As soon as I was done crying, I walked back up to my room and changed into jeans and t-shirt. When I came back down, Mitch wasn't there and neither was Max. The door opened and in walked my mom. "Hey mom." I said and took some of the groceries from her hands. "Hi Alex, I got you, Mitch, and Max tickets to go home." she said and handed me the three tickets. "Thank you mom. If you don't mind, I'm gonna go pack right now." She nodded and I went to my room. Everything was packed. I had only my back-pack since I only had a few clothes. I heard two pairs of footsteps coming up the stairs and go to separate rooms. Probably Max and Mitch packing. I walked back downstairs with my back-pack and waited for the guys. They came down dressed in casual clothes and ready to go. We each had out ticket. My mom drove us to the airport and dropped us off. We waitind for our flight to be called. When it was, we walked to our gates and got on the plane. When we were settled, I got stuck by a couple of love birds. I was luckily on the aisle seat. If Mitch and I were next to each other, we wouldn't be kissing every five seconds. Mitch. He was seated by really pretty girls on either side of him. They were also getting pretty close to him. He was in the aisle across from me. Max was on the other aisle across from Mitch and he had it pretty nice. Only one other person and they had a seat between them. I plugged my ear-plugs in and just turned on some music. Something held me back from enjoying it though. Was it the fact that hate comments were getting worse or the fact that Mitch was next to two girls who were prettier. Little bit of both. Once we were up in the air, my phone buzzed. It was Mitch texting me.

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