Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen: Alex's P.O.V.

After a while, I started getting hungry. Most of the guys were asleep and we haven't seen any sign of Mitch. I got up and went to the kitchen. While I was looking for food, the kitchen door opened. I figured it would be one of the guys, but when I looked to the door, I saw Mitch. "Hey Mitch." I said and just kinda looked at him. He didn't say anything, so I just returned to my search. When I was checking one of the cabinets, I heard Mitch approach me. I turned around and he was a few inches away from my face. "Are you o-" I was cut of by Mitch cupping my face in his hands and kissing me. I just kinda closed my eyes and went with it. After a few seconds, everything came back to me. All the heart-ache and pain he caused me. I remembered every detail. I instantly pushed him back. His face was a bright red. "What the actual hell, Mitch?!" I practically screamed. "You took advantage of my memory loss, hoping you could change my perspective of you. Isn't that true?" I asked. No reply. "Answer me Mitchell, is that true?" I said with more force. He nodded and looked at the ground.

"I can't believe you!" I screamed and ran up to my room, tears in my eyes. How could he take advantage of me like that? Man he is a jerk. I changed into my skinny jeans, threw on my converse, grabbed my skate board, and went downstairs. "Alex, where are you going?" Mitch asked, grabbing my arm that was holding my skateboard. I didn't reply but swung my free arm so my fist collided with his cheek. "That's what you get for taking advantage of me." I screamed at him. Ty came out and just looked from me to Mitch. "I remember everything." I said and stormed out. People were calling my name, but I couldn't hear them. I had my earplugs in and preferred not to be bothered. Tears were brimming my eyes. I can't believe he would do that. Well, I can, but seriously. I wasn't even sure where I was going, I was just going. Maybe I should've paid attention to where I was going. Now I'm lost and have no idea how to get home. Good thing my phone has a digital map. Turns out I was in the next town over. Whoa.

I started going back the way I think I came. Sooner or later, a.k.a 1:00 a.m., I was home. My eyes were a little dry from crying until I had no tears. They were probably blood-shot looking. As soon as I was in the house, I had a crowd around me. No matter how many times I tried to get pass them, they held me back. "Let me through." I say. No one moves. I set my skateboard against the wall and sit down criss-cross. "Where were you?"Kellin asked, anger in his voice. "Where'd you go?" Jerome asked, anger in his voice. "Next town over." I answered. They all looked kinda shocked that I went that far. "Why?" Jerome asked, lightening up. "Maybe you should asked Mitchell Hughes." I said and roughly pushed through them. They just stood there. No one came after me. Once I changed into some sweats and calmed myself, I walked downstairs and to the kitchen. Don't let this be another Mitch scene. I started thinking. 'What if I were to leave. Just pick up and leave. Not tell anybody.' It's settled, that's what I'm doing. I'm going to leave Houston, Texas and go to Denver, Colorado.

I immediately ran upstairs and grabbed a back-pack. All I needed was my lap-top, headphones, lap-top charger, phone charger, money, and clothes. I changed back into my jeans and stuffed my sweats in the bag along with another t-shirt. My cover-up: I'm going to Max's house. I walked downstairs, making sure I didn't make a noise. Well, as soon as my foot touched the ground floor, the kitchen door opened and out walked Mitchell. 'Oh great' I thought to myself. He turned and stared at me. I just stared back. "Can I help you?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence. He walked until he was a few centimeters away from my face. "Why don't you like me?" he whispered. "Oh I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that you cheated on me twice and lied about wanting to be friend once." I said crossing my arms. He just kinda chuckled and nodded his head. "Alex, I still love you." he said, biting his lip. "Well I don't love you." I said and pushed past him. 'That's not true! Mitch, I love you! Please, stop me before I leave!' I kept screaming on the inside. He has to prove he loves me. I can't just fall back into his arms. I got into my car and took off towards the barber shop. Yep, I'm dying my hair blue again.

After that, I got back in the car and drove to Max's house. I knocked and Alan answered. "Hey Alan. What's up?" I asked. "Hey Alex, nothing really. Max is in his room." he said and stepped aside. I jogged up the stairs and barged into his room. He looked a little startled, but realized it was me. 'Hey hey hey." I said and flopped on his bed. He was sitting at his desk. "Hey Alex, what's up?" he asked and flopped next to me. "Well, let's see. After you guys left, I went to the kitchen. As I was looking for food, Mitch came in and he-he kissed me. I freaked out, pushed him away, and ran upstairs. As I was leaving to go skateboarding around town, Mitch stopped me and I punched him. I stormed off and went to the next town over on accident, came back at 1 a.m. Packed my stuff and went downstairs. Mitch came out of the kitchen and walked up to me. He-he said he still loves me." When I finished, Max didn't say anything. "Do you still love him?" he asked after a while. "I-I think so. I don't know. My brain is messed up. But I can't just fall back into his arms. Not after what happened." I said. We just laid down and stared at the ceiling. "I'm moving to Denver, Colorado." I blurted out. "I'm coming with. No matter how much you beg and plead me to stay, I'm going." he said and started packing a bag. It had everything that I put in mine.

We're really doing this.


QOTD: What would you do if you got to hang out with Team Crafted?

I'm starting another book after this. It's called 'Forever And Always? (BajanCanadian FF)

Prologue is up. BYE!

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