Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: Mitch's P.O.V.

OK, yes it was wrong for me to kiss Alex with her memory loss, but I had to, just once. And man can she punch hard. Lesson learned: Never piss Alex off unless I want a black eye. When Alex came back, I stayed on the couch and stared at the TV. The guys came in and said nothing. Then Jerome texted me.

J: Why'd she storm off

M: How should I know

J: She told us to ask you. What did you do

M: I may have kissed her and made her angry

No reply so I just sat there. I screwed up. After a while, I needed food, so I went to the kitchen. As I was heading back to the living room, Alex came down the stairs. I stared at her and she stared back. Her piercing blue eyes staring at my dull brown ones. "Can I help you?" she asked. I walked up to her and stopped when our faces were inches apart. "Why don't you like me?" I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear her voice. "Oh I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that you cheated on me twice and and lied about wanting to be friends once." she answered and crossed her arms. I chuckled and nodded my head. "Alex, I still love you." I said and bit my lip. "Well I don't love you." she snapped and pushed past me. It stung a little, but I knew I would have to prove I loved her. She still loves me, I can tell. I smiled to myself and walked back to the living room.

Alex's P.O.V.

As soon as we were ready, we asked Alan to drop us off at the airport. We had to tell him that we were going to Denver or else he wouldn't take us. Max and I bought ourselves a ticket and waited for our flight to be called. "Alex, your birthday is tomorrow." Max pointed out. "I had totally forgotten. Hopefully we can make it to my mom's before then." I said. Right as they called out flight, we heard some people calling my name. I looked behind us and saw an angry Ty running towards us. We sprinted towards the terminal. "Don't let anyone of those guys through." I said and pointed to Ty and the guys. The ladies nodded and stopped them. Max and I sat down in our seats and laughed. Max was by the window, I was in the middle, and a girl about a year younger than me was in the aisle seat. Max fell asleep and I put my ear-plugs in. After a while, the girl tapped me on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but your phone keeps going off." she said. "Oh thank you, but I'm choosing to ignore them." I said and put my ear-plug back in. Even when they called, I ignored them. The plane finally landed and I found out that the girls name was Claire. She had dirty blonde hair with blue tips, green eyes, and was a little shorter than me.

We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. I made a friend. Max and I texted Dylan to come pick us up. In a few minutes, he was here. We ran to him and group hugged. As we drove, Ty called me. I figured I should answer.


ME: Somewhere away from you guys. You're never gonna know.


I just hung up on him. "Ty is being such a butt right now." I said and laid down on the back seat. "Where are you going?" Dylan asked me. "My mom's house. I don't know where it is exactly." "What's your last name?" he asked. "Jones." I answered. Nothing more. All the sound was coming from the radio. Dylan pulled up in front of a medium house. Max and I got out and got our stuff, but Dylan stayed in the car. We walked up to the door and knocked. A woman who was about Max's height answered the door. She had blue eyes, brown hair, and a dimple when she smiled. I smiled and started crying a little. She pulled me into a hug. "Hi mom." I said, tears streaming down my cheek. "Hi Alex. I've missed you so much." she said and we continued hugging. After we pulled apart, she said, "Come on in, you two can get settled up in a room and come on down." she said and went to the kitchen.

Max and I walked upstairs and went to separate rooms. I got out my phone and decided to do a little vlog:

"Hello dudes and dudettes of the internet. I'M BACK! I went through a hard time of suicide, memory loss, and hate, but I'm good. This doesn't look like my regular room because I'M LIVING WITH MY MOM AND MAX NOW! Sorry Ty, but no matter how many times you beg me to come home, I'm staying here. I'm here in the lovely Denver, Colorado. It's really pretty here. Behind this little neighbourhood, a little ways, there are mountains. They are really pretty. Let's go check on Max."

I knocked on his door and he opened up.

"HERE HE IS! IT"S THE ONE AND ONLY MaxPlaysGames. Say 'hi' Max." "HI MAX!" "Idiot. Let's go get food. I'm starving. Like literally. I didn't eat anything. MOM, WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" "CHILI WITH CORNBREAD" "MM, my favorite. Well, I'm gonna go eat, I'll see yo pretty faces later. PEACE!"

I ended the video and walked into the kitchen. "Need any help?" I asked. "Yes actually, with the cornbread. Max, will you help her put it in the pan?" "Mom, how do you know Max?" I asked starting to put the cornbread into the pan. "I watch your videos on YouTube. Just to check up on you. Not in a stalkerish way. Oh and I will register you guys into school tomorrow." she said. Max and I just nodded and continued. When we finished we walked into the living room. My mind kept wandering to Mitch. Do I really still love him?



QOTD: Are you excited for the ending of Carry On?

I know I am. I'll see y'all later. BYEE!

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