Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Alex's P.O.V.

I felt myself being carried up to my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow though, I was out. It was a deep deep slumber.

Aiden's P.O.V. (What is this?! Oh my!)

Hello there, while Alex is sleeping, I decided that I should tell you a little about myself and other information. Well, let's start off with personal information. my full name is Aiden Chase Parker. I have black hair that I would put bright highlights in. I had a lip and ear piercing. I always wore dark colors and was never really happy unless I was with my now ex-girlfriend, Mindy. I'm a little taller than Alex. People always considered me to be emo. I guess I was. Well, am. You see, when I died, there was no room in Heaven and there were no extra bodies. So, God told me to choose someone to haunt. He let me see each of their futures and personalities. He also suggested that I choose the person that was closest to me. What I saw in Alex's future was major heart brake and guilt. I also saw death. Who's death, I'm not sure. I saw that her parents were going to get divorced. Alex's mom, in fact, did not go crazy. She was just done with the family. Her father lied and said she had lost it. Her mom lives in Denver, Colorado.

Now for my background. My parents divorced so I bounced back and forth between my parents. I had two siblings. One twin sister named Lexi and one older brother named Lucas. My sister's friend, Mindy caught my eye and I asked her out. She agreed. On our 3 year anniversary, I caught her cheating on me. Worst part was that it was my bully. Yea, I was bullied, big shock. It broke me. I dropped the roses that we on my hands and ran to the nearest cliff. Tears were in my eyes. Little side fact, that house that Alex and her brothers live in is right next to the one I lived in. The park they live by is the one with the cliff and that's where I went. I looked back at the trees. All the memories of Mindy and I, they came flooding back. I turned to face the bottomless pit before me. I leaned forward and forward until I was gone. Air filled all around me. I was able to turn myself and see my sister's face along with my brothers. The last thing I heard was Lucas shouting. 'Lexi, call 911. NOW!' They were to late. I was gone before the medics could even show up. That was the night my brother actually told me he loved me. Anyway, that's my story. Back to Alex.

Alex's P.O.V.

I woke with a jolt. My phone started buzzing. I was Jerome.

Jerome: Hey get up, we're going to a fair today.

I groaned and got up. I threw on my clothes and walked downstairs. I was greeted with the familiar face of Jerome and Jason. "OK, I'm ready. Let's go." I say. We walk out the door and get into Jason's truck. Jason, Jerome, and Mitch were in the enclosed section. I didn't even acknowledge Mitch as I climbed into the back. As we started towards the light tunnel, I asked Jerome to turn the music up. It was 'Still Breathing' by Mayday Parade. I stood up and open my arms out into a 'T'. The wind rushing all around me. I closed my eyes and let the music take power over me. After a while, the lights were gone. I sat back down and started drumming on the bottom of the truck to the beat. Finally, we reached the fair. I jumped out of the truck and waited for the guys. THEY ARE SO SLOW! Jason and I linked arms and walked around looking at stuff. He started pulling me to a stage. The band was playing the most boring music ever. It was so slow, just like the guys. "Jerome, you didn't tell me this was a bore-fest. This is boring." I whined. "Nah, it's pretty good." Jerome said smiling. He and the other two walked to where they were in the middle of the crowd. Great, thank you for leaving me alone. Maybe I'll get lucky and pass out due to a panic attack.

I started looking around and found some guys who looked just as bored as I was. I walked over to them and introduced myself. "Hey guys, you look bored. I'm Alex." I say. "Alex. You look familiar. Are you in a band or a club or what?" one of the guys asked. "Yeah, I'm in a band. We're called 'LOST'." I answer. "Oh yeah. my brother goes to school with you. He says your band is really good." "Who's your brother?" I asked. "Maxwell, or Max. He has blue hair and blue eyes." "OH YEAH! Max, yeah, he got suspended for three days." I say smiling. The guy smiles back at me. "Oh, I'm Alan, by the way. I was wondering if you wanted to trash this concert?" he asked hopefully. I nodded smiling. "Great, what songs should we do?" Alan asked. We started discussing and we soon had our songs. As soon as the boring band finished their next song. We walked out on stage and got them off. People were confused. I looked in the crowd. Jerome looked a little mad, Jason was laughing, and Mitch didn't care. Alan signalled and the others started playing.

I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation. You're living on the past it's a new generation. A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do. An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation. Oh no, not me. An' I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation. Never said I wanted to improve my station. An' I'm only doin' good, When I'm havin' fun. An' I don't have to please no one. An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation. Oh no, not me. Oh no, not me. I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation. I've never been afraid of any deviation. An' I don't really care If ya think I'm strange I ain't gonna change. An' I'm never gonna care 'bout my bad reputation. Oh no, not me. Oh no, not me. An' I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation. The world's in trouble. There's no communication. An' everyone can say what they want to say. It never gets better anyway. So why should I care 'bout a bad reputation. Anyway. Oh no, not me. Oh no, not me. I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation.You're living in the past. It's a new generation. An' I only feel good when I got no pain. An' that's how I'm gonna stay. An' I don't give a damn 'bout a bad reputation. Oh no, not me. Oh no, not me.

We finished and then got pushed off the stage. Ah well, who care. I just kept walking. Past, Jerome and Jason. Past the crowd. Past everyone. Where I wanted to be was home. So, I jumped into the back of the truck and started blaring my music. 'I'm so proud of you. You defied rules. Made Jerome angry. Oh boy, I think Jerome is coming. I'll talk to you later, darling.' Aiden said. And indeed, Jerome came storming up to me. "What the hell was that?!" he spat. "Me being me. You don't like it, too bad. I'm never changing." I spat back. Jerome basically dragged me out of Jason's truck. "With an attitude like that, you can walk home." he says. I get up, brush myself off, and head for home. I can feel Jerome's eyes burning a hole in my neck. What was his deal? After a while, I'm still in the grass with Jerome staring at me, I turn around to face him. He looked a little confused but kept glaring. I just continued walking. My music was blaring and I was in my own mind. No one was bothering me and no one was driving. I decided to walk in the middle of the road. It was a quiet road anyway.

I had an uneasy feeling but brushed it off. From no where, I feel grass beneath me and someone on top of me. I groaned a little and rubbed my head. The person laughed a little. It was then that I realized I was just tackled by Mitch. "Thanks a lot, jackass." I said and tried to get up. Mitch held me down though. "I'm not letting you go that easy." he said. I opened my eyes. His chocolate brown eyes staring into my icy blue ones. I didn't realize I was leaning closer until our faces were centimeters apart. We both pulled back. No one spoke, we just laid down on the grass. "Mitch, why'd you save me?" I asked after a while. "Because I don't wanna lose you. I want us to be friends again. Boyfriend me already lost you, but best friend me doesn't want you to go." he said. Back to silence for a while. "Mitch, that is the dumbest, yet sweetest thing you have ever said to me. Ever. But, I am happy to say we are friends again." I say sitting up and crossing my legs. Mitch sits up, smiles, and hugs me. "Let's get back to the others." Mitch says after letting go. He helped me up and we start running back to Jerome and Jason. Wonder what they're gonna say about this.

Hey guys, yeah it was long. I wanted this part up before Thanksgiving, but I couldn't do it. The reason it wasn't up earlier was because we went up to Minnesota and we had no WIFI. It sucked. But I'm home now and this part is up.

QOTD: How was your Thanksgiving

Mine was OK.

Peace off. Byee :P

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