Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Mitch's P.O.V.

During the signing, I noticed Alex had switched hands and her right hand was on her knee. How did Jerome know this was going to happen? I decided to give his plan a try. I took my left hand and put it on her right one. She didn't seem to notice. Or if she did, she didn't mind. I looked over at Jerome and gave a thumbs up under the table. I just smiled and continued signing. After we finished signing, I was in la la land for a while. "Oh hell no!" Ty screams which brings me out of my trance. I quickly jerk my hand back. "W-what's wrong, Ty?" Alex asked. "Tyler (MunchingBrotatoe) won't be able to make it to Minecon." Ty replied and slumped down. I let a sigh of relief. I'm gonna miss Tyler, but I was glad Ty didn't catch me holding Alex's hand. "OH CRAP. I just remembered. I'll be right back." Alex says and takes off. We all just sit there and wait for her so we can head back to the hotel. After a while she came back with Bree at her side. "K guys, we're ready to go." Alex said. We all get up and start heading back to the hotel. For some reason, my palms were sweating. "When should I ask her, Jerome?" I mutter. "Tonight. I feel like Ian might be getting ready. Or even Jordan (PerpetualJordan)." he answered. I just nodded and bowed my head. I have to do it tonight. Let's hope I don't get all clamed up. 

Alex's P.O.V.

"GUYS, I'M HUNGRY AND WE NEED TO ME MR. PERPETUAL, LIKE, NOW!" I called to the boys who were quiet a ways behind Bree and me. "OK, then let's go meet him. Where are we supposed to meet him?" Dakota asked. "Um, at Starbucks." I say checking the text he sent me. "Well, then, let's go." Dakota says. They all run to catch up with us and then it turns into a race. For a while, Mitch, Adam, and I were head-to-head. Then Adam got a cramp and fell back. What put me in the lead was when Mitch's side started hurting. I race into Starbucks and see Jordan. I scream his name. He turns around and opens his arms. I run into them, laughing my head off. He picks me up and spins me around. He did know about my skitzophrensic stuff. Jordan sets me down as the others come through the door. "Hey guys, long time no see." Jordan says. His accent is so adorable. "I'm thirsty. I funna go order." I say and walk to the counter. I order my french vanilla cappuccino and go back to the others. I'm saying others because Bree is there. 

We start heading back to the hotel when I notice Mitch and Jerome hanging back, talking. I slow down a bit so I could hear them. "I don't know man. Maybe I should just let them have her." Mitch says. "No way, biggums. You have to do this. Yeah, it might've been a two day long crush, but you have to do it." Jerome said. After that, I sped up so I could talk to Jordan again. "So, Jordan, how long are you going to be here?" I asked. "I'm leaving the day after Minecon." he answers. "So are we." I tell him. We continue walking in silence for the rest of the way. "WHO WANTS TO GO TO THE CARNIVAL!?" Adam screamed. "I say we go." Jason said. There was a chorus of 'yeah sure'. I noticed Jerome giving Mitch a quick thumbs up and Mitch just shaking his head. What is going on with those two. I was gonna talk to them, but then Jordan (PerpetualJordan) took my hand and started walking towards the carnival. As we enter the carnival, people started going every which way. Sooner or later, I was all by myself. My breathing started to get heavy and my head was spinning. I started looking around for any familiar face. I found no one. From no where, I feel someone take my hand. I look to my left and see Mitch. My head stops spinning and my breathing calms, but my heart was speeding up. "Are you OK?" Mitch asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." I answer. 

"Good, do you wanna go on the Ferris Wheel with me?" he asked looking down. "Yeah, sounds like fun. Let's go." I start pulling him towards the Ferris Wheel. We get in the short line and wait. As we were getting settled, I saw Jerome and Bree talking. "Don't you think Bree and Jerome would be a cute couple?" I blurt out. "Huh, oh yeah." Mitch answers. As we get to the top, I start to notice all the lights of the carnival, like stars in the night sky. I also noticed how quiet Mitch was being. "Mitch, are you OK? We've barely talked after Minecon." I say turning to him. From no where, Mitch turns around and kisses me. It wasn't rough, no, it was nice. I was too stunned at first to kiss back, but after I realized what had happened, I started kissing back. After a few more seconds, we both pulled away. Mitch started blushing and looked down at his hands. "I-I'm sorry, Alex." he said. "It's OK, I-I kinda liked it." I say and start blushing. "Really, you didn't care?" he asks. I just nod my head. "Well, in that case, Alex, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked turning towards me. "Yes, I will." I say beaming. Mitch smiles and leans in. I lean in until our lips were touching. After we pulled away, we held hands for the rest of the ride. Once we were off the ride and walking, we found Bree and Jerome. Bree came and linked her arm with mine. "Sorry Mitch, but I'm gonna have to steal Alex or a minute." she said and started dragging me away from him. 

"So, I saw." she says smiling. "Saw what?" I asked playing dumb. "Stop it. Hayden told me to keep an eye on you. He also told Aiden to not screw this big moment up for you." she said, still smiling. "Well thank you. Why are you smiling so much?" I asked switching the conversation. "Oh nothing. Except that Jerome asked me to be his girlfriend." she said and was blushing a little. "OOH! Looks like we both got boyfriends." I say and poke her side. We go into a little fit of giggling. As we were walking, we saw Ty, Ian, Jordan, Quentin, Jason, Adam, and Jordan (CaptainSparklez). We run over to them and I jump on Ty's back. "Sup bro!" I scream in his ear. "Ow! Thanks for breaking my eardrum." he says and rubs his ear. "Anytime." I say and hop off his back. "So, has he asked yet?" Ty asks smiling. I look at him confused. "Bree, has he asked her yet?" he asks turning to Bree. "Yup and Jerome asked me out." Bree said casually. "Finally, he took forever." Ty says and hugs me. "What happened?" Ian and  Jordan (Perpetual) asked in unison. "Mitch asked me out and I agreed." I answered casually. Ian and Jordan (Perpetual) face fell. They walked away , slumped down. "Well alrighty then." I say. Bree and I turn around, laughing, and continue walking aimlessly. After a while, I feel a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder. 

"Hey baby girl." Mitch said. "Sup baby boy." I say back. Mitch laughs and kisses my cheek. "Sorry Bree, but I'm gonna have to steal Alex back." Mitch says and we start walking away. I was happy. Aiden didn't screw this up. Mitch was my boyfriend. Bree has a boyfriend. All is right in this world. 

Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. 

QOTD: What is you most favorite song?

King For A Day by Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn

I shall see all yo pretty faces later. BYEE :P

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