|This Is Your Fault|

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(Keep in mind that this book won't always followed the episode or the book)

We enter the hallways, and soon a guard was blocking our way, Tyrion told him something that made him move.

I looked at the guard, and then turn my attention to Cersei and the rest of the consul.

Tyrion began to whistle, and I walked in quietly. Soon, we approached our sister, and Tyrion spoke up.

"My sweet sister," he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "War agrees with you."
"Hello, sister." I said politely.

"Hello Amelia, and you, what are you doing here? This is the small consul." Cersei started to Tyrion.

"I thought the hand of the king is welcome at the meetings." said Tyrion.
"Our father is hand of the king." Cersei stated.
"Yes, but in his presence," he pulled out a scrolled and handed it to Varys.

Varys open the scrolled and read it carefully. Than looked up at Cersei and spoke.

"Your father, named Lord Tyrion to act as hand of the king in his absences—"
"OUT! All of you!" Cersei got up interrupted Varys.

Everyone left and bowed at us, and once we were left alone, I pour myself a glass of wine.

And watched Cersei and Tyrion have a one-on-one staring contest.

"Seriously, why are you here?" she asked again.
"I'm here to advise the king, on father's orders." Tyrion stated.
"And what about you?" she asked me.

"Father told me to come here and meet some Lord from House Blackwood." I said with a sigh.
"What happen to your Northern husband?"

"Father annulled our marriage, only our family knows."
"But, you're still loyal to the family?"
"Of course, why would I go behind my own flesh and blood?"
"Because you were married to the traitor."

"Yes." I bit my lower lip.
"Don't tell me you're already miss
"No...I just wished I realized this sooner."

We sat there, in a few minutes of silence, and than we exchanged a few glances at each other. Cersei, of course poured herself more wine.

"Joffery is king." Cersei said.
"Joffery is king." Tyrion repeated.

"You are here to advise the king."
"I'm only here to advise the king."

"Why are you really here?"
"Since you can't control your boy, I thought maybe I could."
"Don't amused yourself."
"We must make a treaty with the Northerners to end this war."

"Remember father's treaty with Northerners? She was sold off into marriage and guess how it turn out? Bad, like your joke you just told."

"It wasn't a joke, if it weren't for you and your son, chopping off the Stark's head."
"I'm sorry, Cersei, but Tyrion's right." I interjected.
"How?" she raised an eyebrow and sip her wine.

"Don't we have the two girls?" Tyrion asked.
"No......Arya, little animal escape."
"Really? Like what, in a puff of smoke?"
"We had three Starks to trade, ones head is chopped off, the other escaped...." I said. "Father will not be pleased."

Than Tyrion said something that made Cersei shut up before she can even burn him.

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