|No is No|

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{*takes a deep breathe and cracks fingers* okay, here we go...now time to think 🤔 *flips table* fuck this! Fuck hw, imma just write out this chapter and hopefully it's good}


About a week ago, I received a letter from my sister, asking me to join her to "celebrate" our brother's wedding.

I agree to show up, and so did Hunter, I wore a red dress with a simple necklace. And he of course wore black.

I stand alone while Hunter went to talk to a few other lords, and I watch Cersei looked slightly annoyed when Margaery approached her.

I gave Cersei a stern look and she nod, and I slowly view the people below me.

I watch a few noble ladies make small chat with Hunter, and I immediately felt mad. I remember back when I was still married to Robb.

I found Hunter fooling around with another girl which got me mad. I don't want to end up in a loveless marriage again. I approached Cersei and we kept quiet until...

"You look radiant, your grace." Margaery spoke up.
"Radiant? Why radiant?" Cersei asked.
"It's the word that came to mind."

"We're going to be sister, you and Amelia,  and I should be friends."
Cersei tried to pull away. "You must be a singer, you have a lovely voice."
"A better dancer than a singer."

"Do you know the song; Rains of Castamere?" "Of course, they play it so often here at court

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"Do you know the song; Rains of Castamere?"
"Of course, they play it so often here at court."
"So you know the story of House Reyne of Castamere?"
"Not as well you do."

"House Reyne was a powerful family, very wealthy, the second in Westeros."
"Aren't the Tyrells the second wealthiest family?" I asked.

Margaery nod.

"Of course, ambitious families font want to stop at the second highest rung." Cersei said.
"Only if you could take that final step." I said.

"You see nothing but blue skies, so Lord Reyne built a castle, as grand as Casterly Rock. He gave his wife diamonds, larger than my mother ever wore...."

"And finally one day, he rebelled against my father." I said looking at everyone.

"Do you know where House Reybe is now?" Cersei asked Margaery.
"Gone." Margaery replied simply with her cheeky smile.

"Gone. A gently word, why not say slaughter, every man,'women and child, put to the sword. My father hanged their bodies above the gates of Casterly Rock, letting them rot all summer." I said.

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