Chapter 8... Dinner

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"(Y/n) are you ready to go? The guys are waiting on us."
"Who's coming again?"
"Suho, Chanyeol and D.O. If it weren't for scheduling issues they probably all would've came." You laughed
"That's a whole party."
"Well we do like to have a good time." He said smiling.
"Come on let's go before we're late."

Sehun pulled your sit out for you. "Thank you." You sat down. He sat next to you. "How are you guys doing?" Suho asked.
"We've been great. Everything is coming along perfectly." Sehun answered. You smiled.
"How about the wedding planning?" Kyungsoo asked. "Well everything for the most part is together." You answered.
"Do you have a date set?"
"Within the next few months is all I can really say."
"This must be so exciting. I wouldn't have guessed that Sehun would be the first to get married." Suho said smiling.
"Yeah." Sehun agreed with a shy smile. You smiled too. "It shocks me everytime I think about it as well. It's officially going to happen and I won't let nothing stop us. Not like last time." Sehun said proudly.
"God last time was...crazy." Chanyeol said.
You covered your mouth.
"(Y/n) are you okay?" D.O asked.
"No, yeah I'm fine just really happy." Your stomach flipped. Oh god not here. Not right now. You gulped trying to swallow the lump in your throat. Kyungsoo watched you intently. You got up. "I'll be back." You left before they could respond. "What's wrong with (y/n)?" Kyungsoo asked.
"She's had food poisoning. I hope it's not bothering her." Sehun answered.
"Food poisoning?" Suho repeated, "Really?" Sehun nodded.
"Yeah. It's really drained her. She's been throwing up and really tired. She also hasn't been eating well and the lack of food really seems to be messing with her mood. She's been so moody lately." Kyungsoo and Suho looked at each other. "What?" Sehun asked picking up the exchanged looks. "Nothing. Just concerned for her is all." Suho said.
"Hm... What is it? Am I missing something?" Sehun asked.
"I wonder what's taking the food so long." Chanyeol mumbled​ as he drummed on his thighs with chopsticks while looking around. He paid no attention to what was being said.
"Come on tell me guys."
"Well Sehun" Suho started "it -to us- kind of... Sounds like... (Y/n) is..."
"Is what? Stop dragging it out!" He yelled. Chanyeol turned around surprised. "Pregnant." Kyungsoo finished. "It sounds like she's pregnant."
"What? No way! She would tell me!"
"Are you sure?" Chanyeol asked joining the conversation.
"Yes! She would! We don't hide anything from each other."
"But what if she was scared?" Kyungsoo asked.
"Scared of what?" Sehun was angry. You 2 didn't keep any secrets and hearing them say that felt wrong.
"Scared of a bad reaction."
"But- but we've talked about how happy we'd be to have kids. How it's something we were looking forward to. I can't believe she would lie about that."
"Just calm down. Maybe we're wrong." Suho said. He reached for Sehun. He moved over. You came back smiling. Your smile faded as soon as you read the vibe coming from the table.
"W-what's going on guys." You asked concerned. Sehun stood up. "We need to talk." He mumbled not looking at you. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you out the restaurant. "Uh, we'll be back!" You shouted at them.

To be continued...

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