Chapter 10...Home

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You rushed home after a lunch date with Kyungsoo's girlfriend (g/n). It was 10 at night. You opened the door. Sehun sat up. "Hey I've been waiting for you to come home."
"Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention to the time. After lunch I hung with her and tried to help her with her story." You laughed "That didn't go well."
"Are you hungry? Is the baby hungry?" He asked. You sat down next to him.
"We're fine but I have some great news!"
"What is it?"
"I got my next drama role!" He hugged you. "That's great! When is it?"
"It starts next month."
"Wait" he looked at you concerned. "You'll be showing and how will we explain-"
"Sehun I think we should speed the waiting up."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't think it's a good idea to wait long and after the wedding maybe wait a little and then tell everyone that I'm pregnant. We're keeping the wedding a secret but we won't be able to keep our little bundle a secret. I'm not going to go into hiding. And we shouldn't have to hide."
"You know why we do."
"Of course I know why. Your fans are- anyway I was thinking we could have it the beginning of next month."
"Listen! I've done some work on getting everything cleared for it to happen. If your company agrees then we can do it. Even the wedding planner said that-"
He stood up and paced. "No. No! That's too soon and if there's even a slight slip-"
"The sooner the better for us." He looked at you concerned.
"We can do it Sehun. We can get married, go on out honeymoon and we can be happy."
"If there's any mistake. It could mess up everything."
"We're surrounded by people who aren't going to let anything happen to us. Especially not after last time. We're going to make it this time, I know we are." He sat back down without breaking eye contact. "Okay."
"Yes. We'll make it."
"Oh god Sehun. I'm so happy!" You hugged him. He hugged you back.
"We'll have the best wedding. I can see it now."

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