Chapter 11... Wedding Day, Honeymoon Night

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~1 month later~
"Oh God, I'm gonna be late." You breathed in and our trying to calm yourself. You were getting your hair and makeup done. The wedding ceremony was in an hour and you were still in the hotel room getting ready.
"Don't worry (y/n). I'm almost done with your hair." Your friend (f/n) said.
"Try on this lipstick and we'll see if it's the right one." Minseok's girlfriend said. She rubbed the lipstick on your lips. "Open." You opened your mouth "Close." You closed it, patting your lips on the napkin to remove the extra lipstick. "Okay I think this one's better then the other one." You looked in the hand mirror she gave you. "Yes." You agreed. "It matches the eyeshadow better."
"Okay! Hair is done! You look beautiful
(y/n)." You stood up and put your heels on.
"Thank you so much. I'm so happy you guys are here and supporting me." You felt yourself tearing up. "Hey! No crying! We don't want your mascara to run." She lightly patted your eyes. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in!"
It was your bodyguard came in. "Let's go, let's go, let's go. We're running out of time ladies." The 3 of you rushed out the door.

~1 hour later~
"This is it. It's happening." You touched your stomach. "Ready?" You whispered. The wedding song started to play. The doors opened and you began your walk down the aisle. Your heart was going crazy. You felt excited, jittery and nervous all at once. Sehun looked even more handsome than usual. He stared at you in awe, as if you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His eyes watched your every step.
I don't think he's breathing you thought to yourself. You finally made it to the front. You stood in front of him. "Sehun?" You mumbled. He blinked a few times then smiled. "You're so beautiful I- what do I say?" You smiled. For a moment you felt a little shy. "Thank you. You look handsome."
"Thanks." He said in a huff, he turned a bit in the way he did when he felt slightly embarrassed and shy.

The wedding went on without a single problem. You held your breath half the time, kind of expecting it to be destroyed like the first time. But with so much security, so many bodyguards and so many people waiting to stop any wedding crashers, no one was able to ruin it.
The after party was a riot. Everyone had fun and didn't want to leave. Dancing and singing the night away. Guests we're escorted to their cars safely and when it was over the you sehun made your way home. You plotted down on the couch. "Would you like a glass of cider?" He asked. "Our bubbly of the night"
"Of course." He handed you a glass. He sat next to you and leaned on your shoulder. "So do you want to go on a honeymoon or no?"
"We didn't plan for a honeymoon."
"I'm sure we could disappear for a week and no one would notice. Just the 3 of us." He gently patted your stomach.
"We could try. If we squeeze it in between now and next Sunday, it might just work."
"Then let's get packing." He stood up and pulled you to your feet.
"What? Where could we go? We didn't plan a honeymoo-"
"Oh goodness."
"Come on!" He pulled you to the bedroom.
"Okay! Don't make me fall."

"Can you believe we made it?" He asked. You looked out the plane window.
"Hawaii's even beautiful at night."
"I love it. Seatbelt on, we're going down."

"I'm tired already." You laid back on your hotel bed. "You can't be tired. There's so much to see and do. There's a festival happening on the beach right now."
"But we're tired." He laid next to you.
"Come on, the dancing and singing will wake you up. Coconut milk and dinner on the beach? It's paradise."
"Anything else?"
"Lots of flowers." He added. You chuckled.
"Flowers? Really?" You pretended to be interested. "Yes. You know you want a few leis to take home."
"They'd look great in the baby's room. They'd add more color."
"Yes, yes. Come on."

"Cheers!" You tapped your coconut drinks from the vendor, together. You took a sip. It was good, different from what you were used to. Definitely not like the coconut milk in the stores at home.
It was a bit windy but not cold. It ruffled the leis around you and Sehun's neck. You two took a stroll down the beach to the festival happening at the other end. You stood only a few feet away. Women danced to the drums as men sung.
"What are they saying?" You whispered.
"I don't know but it's beautiful."
"Wish I could dance like."
"You could if you tried."
"Says the dancer. Not everyone can break out and dance to any song and do it good."
"Dancing is not hard."
"Once again, says the dancer!" He laughed.
"I'll teach you some moves."
"Pfft. Do you know how to dance like a regular person?"
"Yes I think. What is a regular person dance?"
"Nothing you do."
"Show me."
"I am not going to show you anything."
"Come on, show me how a regular person busts a move." You laughed.
"Busts a move?"
"You sound like my grandpa."
"Let's bust a move." He hand you his drink. He flapped his arms like a chicken.
"Oh my God! Stop!" You laughed. A group of girls walked by. They giggled at him.
"You're gonna bring attention to us." You patted his arm. He stopped dancing.
"Who cares? We're free for a little while. If some people see us, if they don't. The only attention I care about and want is yours." He said. You rolled your eyes. "Okay well when your fansites catch a whiff of you, you'll care then." He held your hand
"Who's going to tell? You?"
"If I feel like messing with, I just might." You smirked. He gasped as if he was shocked.
"You wouldn't!"
"I would. So keep on chicken dancing and see what happens."
"You're so cruel (y/n)."
"Sometimes you have to be." You both laughed.
"Hey! Let's go try the buffet. It looks really good."
"Yes please. I'm starving."

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