Chapter 6... Doctor's Visit

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You looked at the alert on your phone.

*Important* 11:45am doctors appointment

"That's right." You mumbled. Sehun looked over at your phone. "Is it because of your sickness?" He asked. You shook your head, "It's just a regular check-up. I'm not sure why but I was told to get one before my new drama could start."
"I know."
"Is this the doctor drama?"
"Yeah." You answered.
"Maybe they want you to get some info and tips and things like that from a real doctor."
"But I'm not playing a doctor I'm a patient. A really sick one on the verge of death with slim chances of living, who falls in love with her doctor and the doctor struggles with the internal conflict of loving me back or try loving the girl his family thinks is best for him. But they have nothing in common and don't really like each other."
"How does it end?" He asked interested. You smile "I can't say exactly. I'll tell you when I find out." You get up "Let me get dressed before I'm late."

"Ms. (L/n)" your doctor came in smiling. "Soon to be Mrs. Oh. I'll be getting an invitation right?" He asked.
"Of course Dr. Feeland. You've helped me a lot. I wouldn't dream of you not being there." He laughed.
"So you're here for a simple check up right?"
"Yes and more."
"It's not on my chart?"
"No. What is it?"
"I'm pregnant."
"Congratulations! How far a long are you?"
"A few months I'm not fully sure."
"We can check that but is Sehun happy?"
"Well... I haven't exactly told him yet."
"Oh (y/n) that's not good."
"I know, I know. It's just I'm scared to."
"You can't be scared. You have to be truthful."
"I'll tell him soon I promise. I just want to get this done. I'm going to tell him soon."
"Okay I believe you. Lay back on the seat and let me get the sonogram machine started." You sat back on the seat and pulled your shirt up exposing your stomach. "They checked your blood pressure and weight. Now that I know you're pregnant we might need to recheck it." He mumbled. "I'm going to out this gel on your stomach. It's going to feel cold but it'll warm quickly." He poured the gel on your stomach and rubbed it around. He pointed to the screen. "This right here is a head." You smiled to yourself. "Let's look for the heart. Look right here. It's a strong heart beat. Can you hear it?" You nodded
"Yeah I can." Your eyes burned.
"Let's print a few of these and finish up."

To be continued...

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