Chapter Two: Misery & Mirelurks

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Kells had arranged for them to meet their new charge at eleven, near the airport entrance. Nora had met Danse fifteen minutes prior by the ladder leading to the command deck, both of them in their power armour.

If he had any further misgivings about their venture, he did not make them known as they made their way down, across the command deck and out onto the flight deck.

"Fully supplied, soldier?" He asked as he led the way along metal grille, making for the nearest vertibird.

"Of course, Danse! Even purchased some extra vertibird grenades. Just in case."

"Oh? Are we going to fly straight to our destination?"

Nora smiled, noting the way his eyes lit up at the thought of flying. One thing she had learned about the Paladin early on. He loved flying.

"Actually, this is more for the return journey, or emergencies." She replied, shrugging. "I thought if we travelled on foot to our destination, we'd get to know the boy better."

Danse paused, turning to face her with a frown.

"Travelling on foot also makes us more vulnerable to attack and if he's as badly behaved as Kells claims..."

"We'll discipline him." Nora said confidently. "Or you can put on your Paladin voice. That always brought me to heel!"

"...If I put it on now would you call a vertibird?" He asked, a small smile pulling at his lips.

Nora laughed brightly in response.

"Danse, I don't even intend on taking a vertibird down to the airport!" And, before she could hear his protests, Nora sprinted to an empty landing platform and jumped with an exuberant shout.

Danse peered over the edge with a frown, watching as she landed safely on the concrete far below. Then he glanced up to make sure no one was watching before he jumped himself.


They found the Squire near the entrance of the compound. He was sat on a cargo container, swinging his legs back and forth with a scowl on his face.

Nora and Danse exchanged a look.

All the other squires they had taken under their wing had been excitable, already standing at attention or running over to greet them on sight.

This boy gave them a sullen once over and waited for them to approach him.

Nora could tell from the set of Danse's jaw that he had noted the insubordinate behaviour and was undoubtedly mentally filing it away for a report.

"Let's go and introduce ourselves, shall we?" She smiled up at him, her mind already trying to strategize the best way to facilitate a good relationship between the two. "Just... go easy on him Danse," she added softly. "He's been through a lot for a boy his age."

Danse heaved his shoulders in a sigh.

"Very well."

Together they walked to where the boy was sat, now plucking at the laces of his boots.

"Good morning, Squire." Nora greeted coming to a stop before him.


Nora frowned at the moody tone with which he greeted her, but decided to shrug it off.

"Are you ready to head out?" She tried again, keeping an easy smile on her face.

Burke sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, leaning back on his hands.

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