Chapter Thirteen: Un-Luck-y

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"Do either of you require medical assistance?" Danse demanded as Nora and Burke finally alighted upon the ground. They were both pale and soot stained, Nora in particular looking the worse for wear. Her skin was tinged grey, the hollows of her eyes dark like she hadn't slept and her hair was plastered to her face and neck. She had adopted a stance that had become familiar to him throughout their travels, one that said she was in a lot of pain, but didn't want to talk about it.

Well, we're going to talk about it all right.

Even as he watched, she shook her head in answer to his question.

"I'm fine. Burke, you okay?" Her voice was hoarse and she winced as she spoke like it pained her.

Burke didn't answer. His green eyes were fixated on something behind the Paladin and when Danse turned to look he found the bloody remains of the armoured raider, lying in a pool of her own blood.

The boy began to shake and when Nora wrapped her arm about his shoulders, he doubled over and retched.

Danse swallowed, grateful that his expression was concealed beneath his helmet. He felt like a great heaviness had settled upon his chest and shoulders and he clenched his jaw tightly.

I don't care what Arthur says. Children should never be exposed to the horrors of combat. He thought grimly, exhaling heavily through his nose. I knew this mission was a mistake from the start. I should have taken over and made them return...

"Hart. Move the boy into the street. Rhys and Deacon will be waiting there."

Nora nodded and began to usher Burke towards the mouth of the alley. As they neared the corpses and ash piles that were congregated there, she covered Burke's eyes with her hand, carefully guiding him past them.

Danse noted that she was limping on her bad leg again.

He drank in a deep breath and followed.

Deacon and Rhys were waiting for them in the middle of the road. The Knight was scowling furiously and the moment he set eyes on Nora and Burke, he began to storm towards them.

"What the hell was that?!" He demanded, gesturing furiously towards the alley. "Did either of you get burned?!"

"Chill out, Rhys. We're fine." Nora sighed, brushing her hair back from her face.

"Chill out?! Haylen gets mauled by ferals, you and the kid almost get cooked by raiders-"

"Wait... Haylen got mauled by ferals?!" Nora's eyes grew wide. "Is she alright?! What happened?!"

"What do you think?!" Rhys snapped, gesturing at Burke. "This brat runs away from Haylen, so she has to go looking for him! She walked into a feral den thinking he'd gone inside, almost got eaten and we owe a fucking merc for saving her life!"

"Rhys. That's enough." Danse said sharply, wrenching off his helmet as he strode towards them.

Rhys shot Burke an angry glare before turning away, shaking his head in disgust.

Burke bowed his head, his eyes growing bright with tears as his fingers twisted Tara's charm bracelet around his wrist.

"We'll have time to discuss what happened when we're back on safe ground." Danse continued firmly, his piercing glare sweeping across them. "All that matters is that we're back together and everyone is safe."

"I think I'll feel a whole lot safer when we're back in a settlement." Deacon sighed, cradling his arm to his chest.

Nora gasped, her eyes taking in the crimson rivers mapping their way down his forearm.

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