Chapter Ten: Chasing Shadows

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Nora felt quietly amused as Danse and Rhys marched past Deacon, completely oblivious to his presence. The agent had changed his disguise again, now donning a denim jacket, worn trousers and a paper boy cap over his sunglasses. He was stood at the base of the statue just inside Bunker Hill's gates, lazily flicking through a copy of Publick Occurences, though she knew he was more likely to be listening to the conversation around him rather than reading.

She came to a halt beside him, Righteous Authority still in her arms. "That the latest issue?"

"Yup, got to keep up with the news. I mean, did you know that the Institute replaced the brahmin in Diamond City with synth cattle?"

"I hadn't heard that..." Nora frowned.

"No. Neither have I because it didn't happen." Deacon quipped, folding the paper and smiling. "You really should read the article about Diamond City's guard training a deathclaw for patrols, though. Their arguments for it are really convincing..."

"And entirely fabricated, right?" Nora sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Would I lie to you? Seriously, it's on page five. You should give it a read." He insisted, waving the paper at her. Her frown deepening, she cautiously took the paper from him, trying to balance her rifle in her arms as she opened it. "It's right under the article titled 'gullible'."

Nora snorted, shaking her head as she shoved the paper back at him. "I can't believe you almost got me. You're a really convincing liar!"

"I try!" Deacon smirked, his chest puffing out with pride.

Nora grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Now look at who's gullible."

"Awww c'mon, you're breaking my heart here!" Deacon grinned, shaking his head. "But in all seriousness, my holiday's on hold for now. We've got a problem."

"A Geiger counter kind of problem or...?"

"Knight." At Danse's bark, she turned to find him and Rhys approaching, rifles in hand and expressions dark. She glanced back, only to find that Deacon had disappeared, his newspaper the only evidence that he had been there at all.

"What's wrong?" She frowned, feeling a twinge of anxiety as she glanced between them.

"Haylen and Burke are missing." Danse had adopted his steely Paladin expression, masking his emotions.

"Missing? Both of them?!" Nora felt her stomach drop and her eyes widen.

"The Squire disappeared shortly before noon. Haylen eventually left the compound when she couldn't find him inside it. Neither have returned. Myself and Rhys will take the search outside. You are to remain here, in the event that either of them return and require assistance."

Nora nodded. "Yes, sir."

"We'll rendezvous back at the room tonight, should neither myself nor Rhys find any trace of them."

"Are we moving out yet, sir?" Rhys scowled impatiently, his grey gaze already fixed on the street beyond the gate.

"Affirmative." Before Nora could say another word, the Paladin and Knight began to jog towards the entrance, the booming thunder of Danse's armour drawing attention. Nora watched as they began to descend the steps, frowning.

I should have offered Rhys my power armour...

She exhaled heavily, glancing around for Deacon though all she could see was a mixture of merchants and caravan guards, along with the occasional coat of Gunner green. Finally, she began to make her way towards the Savoldi's bar, eager to get out of her power armour before beginning her own search.

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