Chapter Three: Pressure

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"Are either of you injured?" They had come to a halt in front of the ruined house they had rested in earlier, before the mirelurk attack. The Squire shook his head, whilst Nora slowly raised and flexed her right arm, wincing. Her power armour was heavily scratched and dented, having endured the onslaught of two mirelurks at close range.

"I'll be fine, nothing a little rest won't fix." She smiled, but her face was pale and taut.

"Apply a stimpak soldier, nobody likes a martyr." Danse frowned, before casting his eyes skyward to seek out the large hulk of the Prydwen, hanging suspended over the airport.

"I suggest that we head back to the Prydwen immediately. We can reach it before nightfall, if we hurry."

"We're going back?!" Nora and Danse turned to find the Squire stood with his mouth wide open, aghast. He had been pale and silent after the battle with the mirelurks, apparently unable to meet Nora's eyes. But now he stared at both of them in horror.

"Your actions have already endangered this mission, Squire." Danse frowned. "You have proven yourself not only insubordinate, but a thief. Without a thought, you stole from your superior and placed both myself and Knight Hart in danger. I don't know what the hell you were thinking, but it ends now. There is little doubt in my mind that you don't have what it takes to be a part of the Brotherhood."

Burke's eyes began to fill with tears and his lips trembled, but he balled his hands into fists and said nothing.

Nora contemplated the two of them in silence for a few moments before sighing.

"Squire, my fusion core." She held out her hand, watching as the boy wordlessly groped around in his coat pocket, before placing it in her waiting palm. "You have been behaving poorly so far, Squire, and I won't tolerate any further stupidity. But I don't see how escorting you straight back to the Prydwen aids our mission, or yourself. Consider this your first and final warning. Steal from myself, or Paladin Danse, and I will march you straight to Elder Maxson. If you get yourself into trouble again, I will march you to Elder Maxson after I've taken you to the med-bay. You're just lucky those weren't the types of mirelurk that spit venom."

She could tell from the set of Danse's jaw that he disapproved, but he didn't voice his thoughts.

Burke on the other hand sagged with relief, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve.

"I won't let you down, ma'am!" He spluttered. "I swear!"

"We'll see." Nora said coolly, already wondering if she was making the right decision.


It was nearing sunset when they finally decided to stop and make camp. They had travelled for hours without rest, and the Squire was visibly footsore and weary, although he did his best to stifle his sniffs and groans. Nora herself was feeling the strain of the pace she had set, her bruises aching beneath her power armour. They had been marching through East Boston, but had come to a halt at the last line of buildings.

"Do you think we could make it to County Crossing before nightfall?" Nora asked, turning to face Danse.

"Negative," he replied. "We still have the bridge to traverse, and a good hike across open terrain before we reach it. It'd be better to take shelter for the night here, where we have cover."

"But... aren't there raiders around here?" Burke asked nervously, glancing around at the broken and boarded buildings.

"Yes, but don't worry, kid. You can leave them to me and the Paladin," Nora smiled wearily.

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