Chapter Twenty-Two: Semper Invicta

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Burke was wrenched violently off his feet, the straps of his backpack biting into his shoulders. The road rushed up to meet him like a concrete fist and he barely managed to shield his head before he struck it, the air knocked from his lungs. He rolled a few feet before stopping, his hands skinned, pain flaring all over his body.

The boulder smashed into the road where he had been running only moments before.

He flinched, squeezing his eyes shut as he curled up into himself. He could taste blood in his mouth, hear the rain hissing as it fell, drumming on his hood.

His breathing was shallow and ragged, too loud in his ears.

The ground shook beneath him and he imagined the giant approaching, ready to finish him off.

His eyes snapped open as a shadow blotted out the weak light, only to see a hulking figure standing over him. He recoiled with a gasp, his sore hands clawing at the concrete until a familiar voice cut through the all the noise.

"Burke! You have to get up!" Nora shouted, seizing his coat and hauling him back onto his feet. "We have to run!"

Her face was ashen, her eyes wild and reflecting his fear.

"Hart! Helmet!"

They turned to see the Paladin rushing towards them, laser pistol in hand and helmet equipped.

Cursing, Nora released Burke to fumble for her own.

The air was rent by another earth-shaking roar.

Burke's head snapped up, his eyes honing in on the colossal figure that was almost at the bottom of the hill. He could now make out the sickly green hue of its flesh, the twisted knots of bulging muscles and it's bared, rotting teeth exposed by a lipless mouth.

"Get moving!" Danse shouted, breaking Burke's trance as he turned and opened fire.

Flashes of ruby light cut through the grey and the monster screeched as it was seared by the shots.

Burke turned, stumbling down the road with Nora hot on his heels.

His legs felt weak beneath him, threatening to buckle with every step. He couldn't tell whether the ground shook because of Nora's power armour, or the enemy behind them.

They had almost reached the city when a large shadow materialised in the haze ahead of them, emitting an ugly growl.

Burke skidded to a halt, staring as a mutant hound prowled through the rain towards them, its lips peeled back to reveal swollen gums lined with jagged yellow teeth. It fixed its molten glare upon the Squire and lowered itself into a crouch, snarling.

He heard laser fire and flinched, watching as red bolts of light shot through the air and scorched the hound's head.

It howled in pain, charging blindly forwards only to be intercepted by Nora.

It reared up, its remaining eye blazing with rage and hatred as it raked its claws down the Knight's armour. It locked its powerful jaws around her right bracer and began wrenching its body violently, attempting to bring her down.

Cursing, Nora gripped Righteous Authority in her left hand and clumsily bludgeoned the beast with the butt of the rifle.


Burke turned, staring as the Paladin abandoned his target to rush to her aid.

Behind him the monster continued its advance. Patches of its skin had been blackened by the laser fire, but it had done little to slow it down.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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