Chapter Four: Respite

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Burke's eyes were swollen from crying when he finally awoke. He was back in his bedroll, his teddy bear nestled against his cheek. He sat up slowly, exhaling a shuddering breath.

"Are you feeling okay, Squire?"

He turned to find the Paladin lying across the room, settled into his own bedroll despite the sunlight slanting in through the doorway.

Burke nodded, swallowing as he pushed down the bedroll and rose to his feet. He stood there for a few moments, swaying unsteadily. Then the Paladin was beside him, grasping his shoulders and holding him steady.

"Take it easy, Squire. Don't push yourself."

"Is Burke awake?" A shadow passed into the light as Knight Hart entered, combing through her long dark brown hair with her fingers, a hairband between her teeth.

"He's just woken up. Not too steady on his feet, though." Danse commented, turning to face her. Nora nodded thoughtfully, fastening her hair back into a messy bun.

"When you're ready, Burke, we were thinking of continuing to County Crossing. It's a Minutemen settlement and we'll be able to rest there for a while. It's a lot more secure than this place."

Burke nodded slowly, barely comprehending her words. His head felt heavy on his shoulders and seemed to be full of clouds.

"I... I need to pee." He mumbled, wiping a hand down his face.

"There's a bathroom further back," Nora gestured, watching as the boy stumbled past her.

When he was gone, she sighed heavily and leaned down, picking up the bear he had left in his bedroll. It was worn, the fur somewhat frayed and damp with the boy's tears. Someone had taken the time to make a small bomber jacket for the bear, the name 'SENTINEL' neatly stitched on the left hand side.

"It's not right, is it?" She sighed, smoothing down the bear's jacket. "He hasn't even had the chance to be a child..."

"It's a harsh world." Danse replied heavily. "Children must grow up fast, or be consumed by it."

"But not the way the squires have to." Nora murmured quietly. "The children in Diamond City still have time to play."

"Those children are privileged, but they will grow up weak." Danse replied, folding his arms as he watched her. "The squires can play during their free time on the upper floors of the main deck."

"..Surrounded by soldiers espousing the tenets..." Nora muttered, an edge of bitterness seeping into her voice.

"Those soldiers protect the children!" Danse straightened up, frowning at her. "Or would you rather they be living down in this hellhole, working the land as soon as they can hold a shovel? Do you really think they're better off down here, vulnerable to raiders and mutants?"

"No, but-"

"If what you've told me about your life is true, then you don't come just from a different time, you come from a different world." Danse said heatedly, cutting her off. "Life has changed. What the Brotherhood offers might not be ideal, but it is much better than fighting off other children for scrap, praying you can trade it for food!"

Nora blinked, watching as the Paladin stalked out of the room. She swallowed, replacing the bear in the Squire's bedroll before following him out. He was standing at the windows, glaring into the street below.

"I'm sorry, Danse." She said quietly, her blue eyes watching him. "I guess... I'm just scared. This isn't how I thought my life would be and... Shaun's out in that world somewhere." Her voice cracked slightly and when Danse turned to look at her, she quickly turned away, blinking back the tears that were blurring her vision.

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