Chapter Five: The Battle for County Crossing

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"I wonder if he'll get his hat back before we leave?" Nora mused as she turned over the ribeye steak in the frying pan. One of her small pleasures from the time before the bombs had been cooking, and even though much of what the wasteland offered was tough or tasteless, she enjoyed finding new ways to add flavour to it. Her cooking had definitely helped in developing good relations with all her companions, excluding Strong. He'd berated her for having a weak stomach as he ate his rotting meat raw.

Danse shrugged, laying back on his cot. "The Squire may have had Brotherhood training, but that girl's clearly been working the land since childhood. I think she could take him."

Nora laughed, shaking her head. "But you said they'd made friends. Maybe he gave her the hat? Maybe he's sweet on her!"

Danse's brow furrowed as he considered it. "...Most squires are fiercely protective of their hats..."

At that point, Burke chose to poke his head around the open door, cheeks slightly red. "Um... Tara asked if I wanted to go to hers for dinner..."

"Tara?" Nora raised her eyebrows at Danse before walking to the doorway, peering over Burke's head. Tara was stood outside a short distance away, watching them and wringing the sleeves of her jumper. Nora waved and beckoned the girl over. She could feel Burke watching her face anxiously as Tara approached. The girl's freckled face was red and she regarded Nora with awe from beneath the brim of Burke's hat.

"So! You'll be hosting our Squire for the evening?" Nora asked, smiling as she leaned in the doorway.

"Yes, Ma'am, if it's okay with you..."

"Of course it is! Is it okay with you, Danse?"

"Fine by me, so long as he's back here tonight. Don't forget Squire, we leave early tomorrow."

Burke's eyes widened and his lips pulled into a grin as he turned back to face Tara.

"Race you!" The girl grinned, whipping around and sprinting away.

As the Squire gasped indignantly and raced after her, Nora called "play nice you two!"

When she walked back inside the shack, she giggled. "What's so funny?" Danse asked, gazing at her quizzically.

"Burke is never getting his hat back!"


"... and that is how Proctor Quinlan got his cat!" As Danse finished his story, Nora was still doubled over, clutching her sides and gasping for air as she laughed. He couldn't help but smile himself, both at a story well told and Nora's brighter mood. The air between them had cleared significantly, both of them feeling lighter and better about things as a whole.

"I...I can't believe they thought the Prydwen was haunted and it was a cat!" Nora gasped, lying back across her bed. "I loved the part where Elder Maxson got spooked!"

"Don't tell Arthur I told you," Danse said wryly, smiling at the memory. "He'd have me court martialled in seconds."

They lapsed into a companionable silence, gazing up at the ceiling. Outside, the sun was setting, bathing the sky in shades of gold and orange. The roof was well made by Commonwealth standards, but there were still a few holes here and there that allowed glimpses of the sky.

"I suppose I'd better go get Burke soon if he doesn't turn up himself." Nora mused, stifling a yawn. Danse grunted in response. She turned her head to find that the Paladin had allowed his eyes to drift shut and she smiled to herself. Danse seldom ever slept, not until he was bone tired. She knew that both Cade and Haylen had attempted to convince him to take a break from his duties and catch up on bedrest, and that he had refused. It was a rare thing to witness the Paladin drifting off to sleep.

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