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It was a sunny day at Jarmsfield memorial hospital. A happy husband and wife had just walked in expecting their first child. They were both nervous about the whole situation, seeing as it was their first child,  but they were mostly excited. All of the sudden the mother started to have very bad contractions, they had to get the baby out at that moment or neither of them would live. Luckily, they got the baby out, but the mother wasn't so lucky. The mother started to bleed heavily and they all knew she wouldn't live. The husband had emotions running through his head like a marathon. On one hand he had a new daughter with the love of his life, on the other hand his wife was slowly dying. The husband looked at the wife with the sweetest eyes and said "I will always love you.."
At that moment the wife passed away, slipping into the great beyond while the husband sat there distraught over the events that just unfolded. The nurse looked at the husband and said "Sir, I am so sorry for your loss, I really am, but you have to name your baby."
"Renee" the husband said with no second thought. "It was her name" the husband stated looking at his wife's lifeless body being wheeled out of the room. Those were the first moments Renee Eden Morton experienced with her father, and they wouldn't be the last.

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