A Fathers Rage..

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Renee was getting ready for her second date with Marcus when her dad walked into her room.
"Why are you wearing your mothers clothes?!"
"Father, I can explain.." Said Renee trying to calm down her raging father.
"You are going on a date with that boy again, aren't you!" Screamed Renee's father, anger evident on his face.
"Yes father, I am." Said Renee making her way to the door.
"Oh no you're not!" Said Renee's father as he reached out to grab Renee's wrist. Renee tried to struggle out of his grip, but it was to no avail. The more Renee struggled the tighter her fathers grip got. Renee suddenly got a burst of adrenaline, and broke out of her fathers grip. She ran, Renee ran out the door the fastest she had ever ran before, thank goodness she wore tennis shoes.
Renee had made it to the place where she arranged the date with Marcus to be. As soon as she saw him she dragged him out of the restaurant.
"Woah, Renee calm down, you're hysterical." Said Marcus genuine concern in his voice.
"We need to get out of here, now, please." Renee spoke in between sobs.
"Sure, we can go to my place if you want?" Said Marcus cupping Renee's cheek in his hand to comfort her. Renee nodded to the suggestion, so Marcus and Renee started to drive to Marcus's parents house.  

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