I Care About You..

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It was 9:00 in the morning and Renee was on her way to work when Marcus ran up to her.
"Renee! Wait up!"
"Marcus, what are you doing here?"
"Why wouldn't I be here?"
"Well, I thought my father might have scared you away." Renee said thinking about the night before when her father was banging on the door, while she was trying to sleep.
"Nobody could scare me away from you, I don't know what it is about you Renee, but I care about you."
"You do?" Said Renee as butterflies started to flutter in her stomach.
"Yeah, I do." Marcus said with the cheesiest grin on his face. For Renee being cared about was a foreign feeling, she had never felt that feeling before. Renee was so overwhelmed with happiness she gave Marcus the biggest bear hug anybody had ever given. Renee looked up from the bear hug to see the world. It was still black and white, but then she looked at Marcus, who had the biggest and most red heart she had ever seen. This gave Renee assurance, assurance that there is still some good in the world.
"Then what about a second date?" Said Marcus looking intently at Renee's face for an answer.
"That would be great!" Said Renee feeling excited for a second date with the man who gave her butterflies.

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