Getting Revenge

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*Draco’s POV*

As I got to Potions, I noticed that someone else was there. I knew that I was very early, so I didn’t expect anyone to be here. I walked closer, just,to see who it was, and saw Hermione sat on the wall, sniffling.

I walked closer to her and sat next to her.

“Hermione” I said. She looked at me with those big brown eyes.

“Yes?” She asked. She had such a timid voice. She was so cute.

“I just wondered whether you were ok.” I said, trying to be cautious.

She started to nod her head, but decided against it and shook it.

“What happened?” I asked

“Well.” She sighed “It’s just, I broke up with Ron and he went to hit me, but someone stopped him, and I don’t know who it was.”

I nodded, looking down at my feet. I had to tell her it was me.

“Her-“ I started to say, but I heard someone walking towards us, so I stood up ready for class.

After that, I had so many thoughts in my head. I was ready for potions, but I wasn’t. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from doing something to the Weasel after how he had hurt Hermione, and I was his partner. How bad is this?

We walked in and sat at our desks. I got out my cauldron and my potions book. Slughorn set us our task and I started, throwing occasional glares in the Weasels direction.

I like to think that I was pretty good at potions, but when I was planning things, I was so bad. What was I planning? Well, let’s say it involved the weasel.

I had almost finished with my potion, and was about to take it to Slughorn when there was a massive BANG! I knew what t was. I turned around and burst into fits of laughter. Weasley’s cauldron had blown up in his face and given him pus-filled boils all over!

The whole class was laughing at him, and Hermione looked at me, grinning slyly. She knew it was me. Who cares though? He deserved it.

Slughorn got hum to tidy everything up and start again, and I took my potion to him. I got an O, but I wasn’t happy. I felt empty somehow. What was it? Anyway, I got to go after that. I waited outside the classroom, I knew Hermione wouldn’t be far behind me, and I was right.

She opened the door and saw me. She walked over and smiled saying:

“I know it was you, it was really funny” I grinned

“Well, he deserved it.” She nodded

“Do you want to carry on our conversation from earlier?” I Asked. She just nodded again.

“Well, before we were cut off, I was going to say that....well.....IWasTheOneWhoStoppedWeasley.”

I couldn’t say it any slower; I just had to get it all out. I knew that she would laugh at me, tease me, or maybe have a go at me, but didn’t care. Funnily enough, she didn’t do any of those things

“Thank you.” Two words and I loved it. She said them with a genuine smile on her face, and I couldn’t ask for anything better.

We walked through the hallways, eventually ending up at our common room.

“Slythendor” We both said, and the portrait opened.

We walked in, sat on the couch and did nothing.

“Do you want to play exploding snap?” She asked. I thought she would be the last person to ask that.

“Sure” I said. It was great. I now knew why I felt empty. I loved her, and I had to have her.

*Hermione’s POV*

I sat outside of Potions and started to cry a little bit. I felt so alone, and having to say it all again to Luna, missing parts out, I felt really sad.

“Hermione” I heard and I looked up, seeing Draco looking at me.

“Yes?” I asked. He just looked at me cutely. Wait did I call him cute?!

 “I just wondered whether you were ok.” He said, he seemed a bit cautious.

I thought about it and started to nod my head, but then shook it. I couldn’t lie.

“What happened?”  He asked

“Well.” I sighed “It’s just, I broke up with Ron and he went to hit me, but someone stopped him, and I don’t know who it was.”

He nodded, looking down at his feet, what did he know?

“Her-“  He started to say but someone was walking towards us so he stood up.

I waited to go in for potions, thinking of the conversation I just had with Draco. It was weird. It was like he was hiding something.

When we got in, I started to get my equipment out, and waited for what potion to brew. Slughorn told us and I started straight away. Even though I tried my hardest, I couldn’t concentrate. It was so weird. Why would he hide something?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that when I heard a massive BANG I dropped my beetles.

When I looked up, I saw Draco smirking, so I looked around and saw Ron with pus-filled boils on his face! I grinned at Draco slyly. Hopefully he would understand.

I started to finish my potion as soon as I could; I wanted to get out of here. I walked up and gave it to Slughorn and I got an O!

Walking out of the room, I saw Draco. I walked over to him and said:

“I know it was you, it was really funny”

“Well, he deserved it.” He said, I nodded in agreement.

“Do you want to carry on our conversation from earlier?” He asked again. I just nodded again.

“Well, before we were cut off, I was going to say that....well.....IWasTheOneWhoStoppedWeasley.”

He said it really quick and I could only just tell what he was saying. I thought it was sweet. I had a lot to thank him for.

“Thank you.” Just two words and he looked so happy. I felt better as well. I smiled a genuine one.

We walked through the hallways, eventually ending up at our common room.

“Slythendor” We both said, and the portrait opened.

We walked in, sat on the couch and did nothing.

“Do you want to play exploding snap?” I asked. I know, something I wouldn’t normally do but still, I wasn’t the know-it-all bookworm anymore.

“Sure” He said. I was glad, I wanted to do something fun. 

We played a few games, he won most of them, and then I decided to go get ready for dinner. I had a really great time. I had this feeling inside me. I don’t  know what it was, but I will find out

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay guys, I wanted to update sooo much, so here t is! I hope you enjoy! Pleaseeee:




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