Together At Last

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*Hermione’s POV*

I was just sat in my room, thinking over all the events that had happened in the past couple of days. It was unbelievable how much misfortune could happen to one person in such a small amount of time. A lot had happened, and it had got me thinking. What did I want? I grabbed my wand and muttered:

“Opugno” watching the birds come out of my wand, flying about my room. Whenever I was upset I would conjure the birds and just watch them; it made me forget what was going on and just made me feel better.

They flew up to me and then perched onto my shoulder, like they normally do, and started to tweet softly.  I lifted my hand up and let one fly onto it, just looking at how sweet and innocent it is. I started to hum a tune that I listened to quite often before slowly starting to sing...

You're not her
Though I try to see you differently
I tow the line
You see I'm searching for what used to be, mine
I saw your eyes
And I saw eyes staring back at me
So I will try and find another one
Who suited me, as well as her

And I've moved far away, from you
And I want to, see you here, beside me dear
But things aren't clear
We never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I'd miss you
And I miss you

She was mine
I was hers
And all that's in between
If she would cry
I would shelter her
And keep her from the darkness that would be

If I moved far away from you
And I want to see you here beside me, dear
But things aren't clear
We never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I'd miss you
And I miss you

Don't drop me in
It's not my turn
If you cut deep
Then I might learn
That you scarred and left me
Like a sunburn

Don't drop me in
It's not my time
If you cut deep
Then I might learn
That you scar and leave me
Like a sunburn

We never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I'd miss you
And I miss you

I brought the singing to a stop and felt like a weight had been taken off of my shoulders. It helped me realise. I liked Draco. I LIKED Draco, and I had to tell him. I never thought that anything like this would happen, but now it has.

In the back of my mind I had my doubts, but right now, all that mattered was Draco. I got up, walked out of my room and started the hunt to find him.

*Draco’s POV*

I just stayed sat against the wall, thinking about everything that had gone on in the past few days. Blaise had tried to RAPE my Hermione, I had kissed Hermione, she had kissed me back, but then said she didn’t want to go out with me. I just didn’t understand. I liked her. I liked her a lot, but obviously she didn’t like me.

I used to think that Blaise was the kindest one of my group of friends, but obviously I was wrong. I just don’t understand why he would do it. I mean yeah, Hermione is SO much better looking this year, but you don’t do it. Even the old Draco wouldn’t do this.

I stood up, and decided to go back to the common room. As I got to the portrait, I saw it open and Hermione come out. I just stood there, not making eye contact with her. It was really awkward, but I couldn’t pretend like nothing had happened. She had rejected me and it wasn’t really something that I could get over quickly.

I went to walk past her but she just grabbed hold of my arm, trying to get me to look at her, but I didn’t. I just walked in the opposite direction, down the stairs and outside the doors.

“Draco!” I heard her shout from behind me, probably chasing after me. I spun around and looke at her, wondering what she wanted me for now.

“What Hermione? Have you come to break my heart again?” I spat out at her, with venom in my words. She looked at me in shock, before composing herself. She walked closer to me and I swallowed a lump in my throat. She inched closer to me and before I knew it she was kissing me! Hermione Jean Granger had kissed me.

It took me no time at all to kiss her back, and once we had both pulled back for air, I could see her smiling.

“Draco.” She said softly. “I think I love you, a-and, if you still want to, then... IWouldLoveToBeYourGirlfriend” She said, rushing the last part and blushing as red as a tomato.

I only just caught the last bit, but I did, and I started to grin like an idiot. I pulled her back into me and gave her a peck on her lips.

“I would LOVE you to” I said. I couldn’t stop my smile growing bigger and bigger. I was so happy. I had wanted this for so long and now I realise it. This is the start of a great thing. This is going to work out... I hope.

 That was how Hermione Granger became my girlfriend!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hiya!! :) Long time no see. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took me forever to upload because I had writers block, then I had no internet etc etc...

I dedicate this to 'xxCaseyxSxx' because I get a lot of support from her and she always comments :) So thank you :)

If you want a chapter to be dedicated to you then comment below and I will dedcate it to you :)




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