Jealous Fool

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*Hermione’s POV*

I was in my room, getting changed for dinner, when I heard something. It sounded like singing. I decided to go and listen.

She can’t see the way your eyes
Light up when you smile.
She’ll never notice how you stop and stare
Whenever she walks by.

And you can’t see me wantin' you the way you want her
But you are everything to me.

I just wanna show you
She don’t even know you,
She's never gonna love you like I want to.
And you just see right through me.
If you only knew me
We could be a beautiful
Instead of just invisible.

There’s a fire inside of you
That can’t help but shine through.
She’s never gonna see the light
No matter what you do.

And all I think about is how to make you think of me
And everything that we could be

Like shadows in a faded light
Oh, we’re invisible.
I just wanna open your eyes
And make you realize.

I just wanna show you
She don’t even know you.
Baby, let me love you,
Let me want you.
You just see right through me
But if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful
Instead of just invisible.

She can’t see the way your eyes
Light up when you smile.



By the end of it, I was in tears. It was beautiful. I wondered who it was Draco liked, I mean, she must be important.

I quietly crept back to my room and started to get ready again. By the time I was finished dinner was about to start so I ran all the way to the great hall. When I got there, I saw Ginny, sat as far away from Ron as possible. I smiled at this, I could go sit with her.

I walked over to her and said:

“Hey Gin!” She smiled

“Hey Mione, how are you feeling?” I just shrugged, I didn’t really know.

“I feel better, me and Draco played a few games of exploding snap and that took my mind off it.” She looked shocked

“Wait, Malfoy?!” I nodded. “The same Malfoy that WE HATE?!” I nodded again

“Look Gin, he isn’t as bad as he used to be. It’s fine.” She just looked at me.

“How about you come and have a proper conversation with him after dinner?” She nodded, that was a shock.

“If you say he’s alright, then he must be.” I smiled.

We started to eat,, occasionally stopping to talk about small things, but otherwise it was silent. When it was time to go back, I told her to follow me.  When we got about a corridor below I said:

“Okay, I need you to close your eyes. No-one can know where it is.” Sh did as I asked and I guided her to where it was.

“Slythendor” The portrait swung open and I led her inside. “you can open your eyes now.”

When she opened her eyes she gasped and smiled widely. She looked around everything, commenting on it all.

She walked towards the stairs and I said:

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