Chapter - 1

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I write my titles in the same style as the series did. Is that weird?



"Aunt Mito!" Gon shouts excitedly. He promptly takes off running up the path.

"Gon, Wait for us!" I shout after him. "These guys don't know the way you moron." I say referring to Kurapika and Leorio who are walking behind me.

"Its ok, we can see the the roof of the house from here. You two can run on ahead we will only be a couple of minutes behind." Leorio says with a chuckle. Kurapika even cracks a smile. A smile from Kurapika is a rare sight so I decide to keep it going.

"Alright if you say so... ow!" I turn and fall right on my face, I did it on purpose of course but they don't know that. I groan and hesitate before getting up.

"Killua, are you alright?" Kurapika asks with concern in his voice.

I whip around clutching my left eye and cry, "Does this look alright to you?" They both have looks of horror on their faces as I slowly pull my hand away from my face. When Leorio sees that my eye is fine his horrified expression is replaced with irritation. "Kidding." I say as I stick my tongue out at them.

"What's wrong with you?! Don't you know you could give someone a heart attack by playing jokes like that?!" Leorio yells at me. His shouts are soon interrupted by the sound of Kurapika's laughter. It takes him a moment to connect the dots. "Oh, I see what you were doing. Job kid." he gives me a light punch on the shoulder.

This is the first time we have heard Kurapika laugh in over two months. and I still cant wrap my head around what happened. After the battle with the Phantom Troupe was 'won', everyone in York New had a huge celebration. There were people Building huge monuments of spiders just to burn them in public squares. I had heard that it was my dad and granddad who killed the Troupe's leader, so I went to thank them on Kurapika's behalf. As soon as I saw them I knew it was all a lie. I begged them to tell me I was wrong but they couldn't. Then my dad got a cold look in his eyes and he told me everything that happened. He told me that Illumi had killed the Ten Dons (I don't know if this is how they are supposed to be spelled or not =/) and since the Ten Dons were the ones who hired my family, they were no longer obligated to fulfill their contract. That was it! They let Chrollo go free so he could kill more innocent people, all because they weren't going to get a pay check!

It shouldn't have surprised me, my family is a group of cowardly self-centered assassins who only care about money. After telling me that he went on to explain that letting me leave the family was also a lie. he said that he was waiting for me to kill my friends and seal my fate as the leader of the Zoldyck family. All those things he said about letting me live my own life, and that he loved me, it was all a bunch of lies!

I became so infuriated that I began to lose control. My aura gushed out of me and my Nen started taking control of my body. For the first time in my life I saw fear in my father's eyes, fear for his life, not because he knew what I was capable of but because he didn't.

The next thing I remember was Gon grabbing my arm. It was like I had woken up from a dream, and there laid my dad and granddad on the ground in front of me. A slight pain wen through my chest. "D... did I kill them?" I stuttered.

"No, you didn't." Gon answered calmly. "I don't really know what you did, I have never seen you like that before. but I am proud of you Killua." he tells me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When your in danger or you get angry your first instinct has always been to kill." he explains. "But even just now, when you were so angry you lost control, you suppressed that instinct. so that's why I am proud of you." He smiles at me but then gets a more serious look on his face. "What did they say to make you so upset?" he asked.

Tragedy x Secrets x Killua's Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now