Chapter 5

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I slowly lead Milly down the stairs into the living room where everyone has congregated to meet her. "My name is Kurapika, you met Gon, Killua, and I two days ago do you remember?" I ask her.

Yeah, i remember the name Kurapika but i dont know where from." she says slowly.

"Well this is Leorio, he is the one who saved your life by removing the bullet and stitching up your wound." i tell her.

"Yeah, i was shot. it was pretty serious wasn't it?"

"Yes, but you are perfect now." Ms. Mito says cheerfully. "I am Aunt Mito and this is my mother. And you are welcome to stay here with us as long as you need to."

Milly giggles, "That's very sweet of you but my sister is waiting for me..." Her eyes turn cold. "My sister-you said it has been two days?" She asks.

"Yes, is everything alright?" I ask her cautiously. She passes out cold and drops hard but i manage to catch her before she hits the floor.

It only takes about 10 minutes for her to come to. Her eyes flutter awake. "Are you alright now?" Leorio asks her as he checks her pupils with his pocket light.

"I'm just a little tired is all." She replies slowly.

"You said something about your sister..." Killua begins. Milly darts up from the couch then flinches in pain.

"Hey take it easy, you don't want to open you stitches." Leorio warns.

Her eyes grow wide and tremble with fear, she begins to mumble something to herself. The longer she stares into space the more tears well up in her eyes. "Whats wrong? You can tell us." Gon says sweetly. "We will help you however we can."

She finally speaks, "I should probably start from the begin. As you have already guessed, i am a slave. My sister and i are sold as a pair, thats what this chain is for. She has one just like it and they attatch when we go up for auction." She tells us in a shaky voice.

"Yeah about that collar, I couldnt get it off because there was no lock to pick." Leorio informs her.

"I know, thats because when two slaves decide to become an inseperable pair the auction master seals the collar around your neck. Do you guys know what Nen is?" She asks.

"Yes." i reply shortly.

"Well, he uses Nen to seal it. The Nen type he was will determine which type of Nen user can break the chain. You must be the exact opposite, The man who bound my sister and I was an Emition type which means that only a Conjurer or Specialist can unlock it.." She informs us. 

"Are you a Nen user?" Killua asks her.

"Yes, i'm a Transmutter."

"Wait a minute then why couldn't we detect your aura?" He asks

"Thats because i know how to use Zetsu." she explains. "My sister isn't a Nen user like i am, and even with my Nen we still wouldn't be able to escape because of the tracking devices we have imbedded in our skin, or somewhere in our bodies. You remember when those men were saying that they would have to tell boss that they had to kill me? Well detonating that device is what they were talking about."

"Then why havn't they?" i ask her.

"Are you saying you would prefer if they had?" She asks dryly.

"No...I-I" i stammer. Then she giggles and looks up at me sweetly. 

"I'm only kidding, I know what you meant to say. They know that their bullet hit me dead on, they probably assumed that i would bleed out in a day's time, so why bother." The words had only just escaped my lips when the ground trembles and we hear an explosion coming from outside.

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