Chapter 7

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Dedicated to AnEternityAway. A talented writer and a good supporter. Thnx bunches!!  =)


'What am i willing to do?' i repeat in my head, 'What AM i willing to do?' I ask myself. I close my eyes and think for a moment.

"Look Milly, to be perfectly honest, i wouldn't normally be the first to jump up and say 'Of course i want to help!' But i do, i really want to help you." I explain. "However, i have alreasy made a promise to someone help someone else. I told this person that i would travel with them until they accomplished their goal." I glance over at Gon, "He has stuck with me no matter how many times i have screwed up and he was the first realy friend i ever had. So i will leave the decision up to him, though i know what his answer is going to be, i wont act unless Gon gives the word." Gon looks back at me and smiles.

"Thanks Killua." Gon says quietly, "But it's like you said, you already know my answer!" He turns back to Milly, "Milly, we are prepared for anything, whatever needs to be done you just say the word and we are with you!" He tells her confidently.

"I'm with you too!" Kurapika voices in.

"And you can definitely count me in!" Leorio says.

"But Leorio, didnt you say that your winter classes begin December 1st?" Gon asks, "You cant just ditch them."

"I know but this is a much more pressing matter. Besides even if i go back there is no way i would be able to concentrate on my studies knowing what you guys were out here doing." He replies. And i guess he is probably right. Leorio really has a good heart!

"Then i guess it is settled, we can leave as soon as possible!" I announce.

"Wait a minute!" Aunt Mito interrupts. "No one is going anywhere until i have put my two cents in. I havn't know any of you very long, but i am not going to let you just walk away." None of us could believe our ears! "That is, of course, not until i have given you each something very important and make you promise me something." We all look at her in confusion as she stands up and disappears into the kitchen.

She quickly returns holding a handful of strings. It takes a minute for me to realize that there are small pieces of crystal at the end of those strings. She hands each of us one and i see that my crystal is in the shape of a 'Y'  "Its a necklace?" i say curiously.

"Yes, these are called 'Family Crystals'. It is said that as long as you wear these you will always come home safe and sound to your family." Mito explains. "I bought them years ago, they came ina set of 8. 6 of these spell out the word 'FAMILY' with magnetic hearts that hold the set together. Even though i bought them a long time ago, i never brought them out before now because my only faimly was Mom and Gon. But i got them anyway because i thought my family would grow bigger some day, only then i had a different idea of it." She pauses and glaces up at Kurapika who seemed to know what she was talking about. (Reference to Chapter 2) Aunt Mito kneels down to be eye level with Milly, "I was saving this one for someone very special, but i am giving it to you so take extra good care of it for me. And i want you to give this one to your sister and tell her she is part of this big crazy family too!" Milly giggle softly and except the necklace. Aunt Mito gives her a big hug.

"Um... Aunt Mito, i dont mean to sound pushy but... What else were you going to tell us. We are kind of in a hurry." I ask impatiently.

She just smiles at me, "You all have to promise that when you find Kyra you bring her back her to see us before going anywhere else!" She laughs and we all cant help but laugh with her. 'That's just like Aunt Mito.' i think to myself.

"Alright then," Leorio finally says. "We need to get packed and head out, that should be easy for you Milly since you can only wear Killua's clothes."

Tragedy x Secrets x Killua's Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now