Preview of what is to come in book two!!!!

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This is a epilogue to book one/ prologue to book two! It is written in narrative form.

Days come and days go; before anyone knows it a whole year has passed. All the children have grown older. Kurapika and Kyra are 19-years-old, Leorio is 21-years-old, Milly, Killua, and Gon are all nearly 14-years-old.

Leorio returned to med school after what happened. When he arrived back he only had about a weeks worth of work to catch up on. By now he has finished his fiirst year and is halfway through his second. He doesnt visit hardly at all, but once a week he will send a letter to Ms. Mito and to Kurapika.

Kurapika, Kyra, and Milly are living in the same town just a few hours boat ride away from Whale Island. Kurapika; with the help of the locals, built two small houses where they have been living for nearly six months. Kyra took a job as a waitress at the local bar and Kurapika teaches history and geography at the elementary school through the school year. In off months he works part time with a construction company. Milly attened school for a short time but fell behind so now Kurapika teaches her at home.

The three of them are just like a real family. As far as everyone else is concerned Kyra and Kurapika might as well admit that they have feelings ofr each other, but they both stubbornly deny anything romantic. They do their best to work together and provide for Milly and allow her to enjoy what little time she has left as a child. However, Milly has been struggling with anxiety attacks since Killua was lost and Gon has clammed up.

The three of them visit Whale Island at least once a week. To see Ms. Mito, grandma, and Gon, but Gon is a ghost of his former self. Everyday since that day he has barely spoken a word, he eats only enough to keep himself alive, and he wont interact with anyone. Ms. Mito too is very depressed. She doesnt eat as she should and she works too hard, trying to keep her mind off of things. Every two weeks, faithfully, she will take Killua's shirt out of her dresser and wash it. Then she dries it, irons it, and puts it back. She says she does this so that when he returns, she can give him his shirt and it will still look as good as new.

When Gone isn't in his room, he is out on the hill top that overlooks the water. It is the same place he and Killua loved to go. Theywould stay there til late in the evening, when the bugs would come out, the air got cool, and they would sit there for hours and talk about thair plans for the future.

Everyone has changed so much, some for the good others for the bad. Kurapika hasn't made a single indication of wanting to hunt the Phantom Troupe. He could possibly be learing to let go of his hatred. Leorio is more responsible and respectful than ever. Milly is cold, detached, or untrusting anymore. And Kyra is strong, healthy, and happy.

Gon cant even be compared with the boy he used to be. He never smiles, or talks, and when you look at his eyes all you see is darkness. Ms. Mito often says she will hear him when he is asleep having nightmares and calling out Killua's name. In his dream Killua will either be dead or trying to kill Gon.

For them, everyday is hard and sarrowful. But their misery can't even begin to compare with what Killua has had to endure. In the last year he has gone through the most hellish training he has ever been subjected to.

He kills at least 3-4 people a week; Illumi follows him on every mission. For the first few months he would sink to his knees and sob after killing his target. All he could think of was how disappointed in him Gon and Aunt Mit would be. But little by little, his callousness toward death returned and he is now the perfect assassin he was before.

He has learned to master his Ultimate Nen Technique. He chose the same technique used by his father and grandfather, converting his aura into electricity. Though Illumi cant help him with this training, he is always nearby watching.

He has also perfected many of the assassin's techniques he already knew. His 'Shadow Walking' has far surpassed the level of anyone else in the family, even his grandfather; and he can pull out someones heart without spilling a drop of blood.

Things are the way that they are. And just when it seems like nothing will ever change... fasten your seat belts! This story has only begun! The real tragedy hasnt occured, and Killua's choice isnt quite made yet.

Part two of this Fan Fiction trilogy will begin during New Years week. Try to follow along as this story gets really heated up. You can expect old fan faves to return, familiar characters are reintroduced in different ways, possible Phantom Troupe involvment, and more original characters!!!

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