Chapter 8

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This Chapter is Dedicated to taart123 for being a very good and encouraging wattpad friend. Thank you so much! =)


My eyes flutter awake and the first thing i see is the glare of the sun n the waters. This makes me smile. 'Kurapika is right.' I decide, 'From now on i wil only look at things in a positive way. We ARE goign to find her and everything Will be ok."

The i remember that i am laying on Kurapika's chest ao i try to lift my head without waking him up. "Good morning." He says.

"Oh, i didnt know you were awake." I say startled. I look around and the others are gone. "What time is is, where did everyone go?"

"Its still early, early enough for some of the fishing  boats that left last night to still be making their way into port. I'd say its about 6a.m." He tells me.

"Did i keep you up last night; i didnt mean to fall asleep." I tell him.

"On the contrary, i slept until the sun came up. I only woke up about ten minutes ago when Gon came over to tell me they were leaving to get some breakfast. Once they get back we can all eat and then find the ship we are going to take."

"Oh, well i am sort of hungry." I admit. "Why didnt you go with them?"

"You were sound asleep, i didnt want to wake you."

"You are sucha a marshmallow." I tease him. We both laugh. Then there is a short pause in our conversation. "I've decided to take your advice. I am only going to see things in a good way, no mare thought os doubt. I know that with all of you guys helping me it will work out fine." I smile and look over at him. His eyes are shining like diamonds from the reflection of the sun.

Just then we hear heavy footsteps and deep voices coming from the pier above our heads. I look up and gasp in horror. "Whats wrong?" Kurapika asks me. I cant utter a word, i cant even breath. My whole body begins to shake uncontrolably. He stops to listen.

"Yeah, i cant believe boss just left us here."

"Its your fault you idiot!"

"Quit saying everything is my fault!"

"Those voices..." Kurapika begins. his eyes grow wide, "it cant be."

"Its them... the men who work for the auction master." I breath. Kurapika's hands fall to his Bokken Swords (I looked it up and this is what the site said, sorry if its the wrong name =(). I quickly lay my hands over his, he looks at me and i shake my head at him. "Just listen." i whisper to him.

"That lousy phone call he got made him leave so fast that he didnt bother telling us until the ship was leaving the port" the first man complains.

"It must have been something important since he left us in this back woods nowhere place. And he een said that he wasnt goign to go to the festival in a couple of months. I wonder what he found so intriguing, i mean he never goes there anymore." Kurapika and i listen carefully and patiently to every word but he doesnt take his hands of his sheaths.

"Just forget about it, lets go get somthing to eat." They walks= off the pier and back into the market. My legs are still weak and i dont try to move until they are completely out of sight.

"Did that conversation give you any helpful nformation?" Kurapika asks me.

"I dont know for sure, i will have to think for a minute." But before i have the chance we hear Gon call out our names. The others come up to us with sacks of food.

I try to explain the exchange we had just overheard and was immediately bombarded with questions, "I told you i would have to think for a minute. I might be able to figure it out with some time."

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