Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to FeitanxFanx97. Thnx for reminding me what is really important and of how strong i really am. You will never know how much you have helped me. =)


My palms are sweaty, my heart is pounding, and my mind is a jumbled mess. My hand is locked with Milly's and i am afraid of what might happen in i let go, if she somehow notices what is on our hands. That is how i figured it out, now that i know everything i am going to have to do the last thing i ever wanted to do.

When the gate closes behind us Mike runs up but of course does nothing. He stands in front of me panting and waiting for me to pat him or say something to him. Normally i would, but not today.

We walk in silence for a couple of hours, though i can feel all of them watching me intently. 'Gon...' i think to myself, 'I wish i could explain everything to you. But if i did, i know you would never agree.'

Before long we meet up with Canary. "Master Killua!" She says in shock. "You should not have come back! What are you all doing here?"

I look up at her, "Dont worry, we'll see you soon." I tell her. She doesnt seem to like my answer but she steps aside to let us pass. We walk a ways farther and come up on the Butler Chambers. I can see them all watching us from the windows, but none of them come out to greet us. We keep making our way up the path for another hour and a half before we see the front door to the Mansion.

I let go of Milly's hand. "You can come out; I know you have been following us since the moment we got off the bus!" I shout. Illumi springs from the trees and lands right in front of me. Everyone else jumps backwards and draws their weapons. Illumi's black eyes stare at me for a moment then they fall to Milly.

He sighs, "I told them this was inevitable, but they didnt listen to me." He says soullessly.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask.

"Dad and mom are here, but Granddad is on assignment." He replies. "I will take you inside now, but i know they wont be happy."

I grab Milly's hand again and we walk into the Masion. Illumi leads us down corridor after corridor. "Killua, is he trying to get us lost?" Gon whispers nervously.

"No, even if he tried i know every inch of this place. Dont worry, and for your own good, dont speak again." I warn him calmly. 

We pass by Milluki's room; he is sitting at his computer as usual. He looks over as we pass the door and his eyes grow wide. "I dont believe it." I hear him whisper. We pass by his room go around the corner and abruptly stop. Illumi opens the door and ushers us inside. 'I knew he was taking us to his room.' i say to myself. His room looks like it should belong to the devil. Weapons of all kinds line the walls, blood stains on the floor, ceiling, and the rug, and the family crest is hangin right over his bed.

Illumi shuts and locks the door behind us, "Before i take you to mom and dad, there are some things we should get straight." He says.

"There is nothing to get straight." I hiss at him, "All i want to know is why no one told me, all these years and no one told me!"

"It was imperative that no one knew, in fact there are certain things that Dad and Granddad dont know." He admits.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well it all started when you two were born..." He begins. My grip on Milly's hand intensifies. "That is; Killua and Millua Zoldyck." Everyone freezes in their tracks and i feel Milly start to pull away from me.

"Impossible." I hear Kurapika whisper.

"Oh, it is quite possible. They are identical twins, born only minutes apart." Illumi taunts. "Both of you are gifted, have been since you could crawl. But one of you became even more powerful; powerful enough to make Granddad fear what you would become if you stayed with us." He takes a step toward Milly but i plant myself between them. 

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