Chapter 3

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I promise in Chapter 3 it will get a lot more exciting! I hope everyone keeps reading; i want to see some comments! And i would like to dedicate this next chapter to the first and second people to vote for my story, yuirz1210 and caledoniaaa. Thnx a bunch!! =)


The sun is beating down on my back! The sweat is drippng down my face! And I'm only half way done! "Why is this taking so long?!" i cry.

"Well now you know how difficult my job really is. Maybe next time you will show a little bit of respect!" Mito snaps back.

"But this is ridiculous! You had me rewash the pillow cases three times and before that i had to make thirty trips to the stream!"

"this is all to teach you a lesson in respect. Now if you would quit fighting me and just cooperate you won't have to be put through all of this."

'sigh' I know she is right. If i would put away my pride for a while maybe i wouldn't always be on her bad side. I continue doing the work assigned to me and try to not make things worse on myself. The longer i work i begin to notice that the sun id getting lower and lower in the sky, it is obviously past noon. I remeber the others saying they were going to come back for lunch but we havent seen them since they left thismorning.

"Hey Mito," i begin.

"That is Ms. Mito to you." She states firmly. I grumble and glare at her.

"Ms. Mito," i finally hiss through clenched teeth. "Shouldn't the others have come back by now?"

"Hmm... i guess your right." She replies as she glances at her pocket watch. When she realizes the time she gasps in horror. "Its past 3:00p.m.!"

"What are you serious, its that late?!" i shout in disbelief. 'There is no way they would have just forgotten.' i think to myself. 'Something must have happened, maybe one of Gon's friends were as friendly as he remembered. Or perhaps one of them got lost, or they ran into someone who was lost and needed help.' I wonder, 'But if thats the case it would make more sense for them to come back here.'

"I cant just wait around for them to get back. I hope you don't find this offensive but i have to go find them." i say out loud.

"No, of course." Ms. Mito says trying to keep herself calm. I give her a reassuring smile then take off toward the forest.

Once i m a little ways into the woods i begin calling out their names. "GON! KURAPIKA! KILLUA!" i cry at the top of my lungs. "Where could they be?" i ask myself. 'Lets see, i know Gon was playing tour guide again so if i can think like Gone then maybe i can figure out where they are going.' i conclude. I head off in the direction of the denser parts of the forest.

The trees grow larger and the brush becomes harder to wade through. I yank out my knife and start cutting my way through the vines. I call out their names again and again then stop to listen but i dont get a response.

"I'm starting to get really freaked out." i mutter out loud to myself. i get a little turnedd around and i think i'm losing my cool; everywhere i look seems like i have already been that way. 'Keep your head Leorio.' i think to myself  'Stay calm and access you situation. ok, your in an unfamiliar area and you eep getting turned around because you're not staying focused. So here is the game plan: 1) Stop thinking of the worst case senario. 2) Come up with a way for you to keep track of where you are going and where you have been so you stop getting turned around.

Alright here i what i'm going to do; I'll put a mark on each of the really big trees that i pass. got to make the mark something simple and easy to remember that way i will know what order i passed the tree. 'Numbers are simple enough' i think, so i turn to the huge tree next to me and carve the number 1 into it. 'Ok, that's a start. Now if i can to find them we have this system to lead us back .'

Tragedy x Secrets x Killua's Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now