Chapter 10

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This final chapter will be dedicated to Yoshihiro Togashi, the writer of the Hunter x Hunter manga. I am a huge fan of his work, and it was his talent and brilliant story line that inspired this Fanfic. So my last chapter goes to you! =)


I have never felt such sadness in my life. Its not just sadness, but complete helplessness. I could have done something to save Killua but i did nothing at all! I dont deserve to be called his friend; i dont deserve to be called anyone's friend.

I feel like i am the only one in the group who is feeling the pain of Killua's loss. Though i cant blame them; Milly and Kurapika are happy to have kyra back and they are too distracted. And Leorio was never very close to Killua so he is more sad for me than for him.

I dodnt know it was possible to feel this bad, for my heart to feel so heavy in my chest. 'What am i going to tell Aunt Mito?!' i wonder. I hate to see her hurt. I have only ever seen her truely broken hearted once and at the time i didnt even know why she was so sad. But now i think i have a pretty good guess; she must have lost someone very close to her. Maybe it was someone i had never met, and now i never will. (Reference to chapter 2)

"Where are we supposed to go now?" Milly asks.

"We made a promise didnt we? We made a promise to Aunt Mito that we would bring Kyra home as soon as we found her, so thats where we have to go." i reply.

"Gon, i think..." Kurapika begins.

"No, we made a promise." i say firmly.

He looks at me for a moment then concedes. "We can go back the same way we came." He says, "We will wait for the tour bus to come back then we can take the airship to the Devido Province Central Port and sail back to Whale Island." I nod in agreement. I am dreading the sight of Aunt Mito, she is going to be heartbroken and i just know it!

When the bus finally arrives it is about midday. When the familiar tour guide Coco sees us she goes nuts. "YOU AGAIN?! Dont you people have anything better to do than lurk around here trying to get yourselves killed?!" She cries. We dont reply; we just climb on the bus. I sit next to Leorio while Milly, Kurapika, and Kyra all share the seat in front of us.

It is later in the evening when we reach the airship station but there is still one flight scheduled to leave for the DPCP.  The other four shatter away the whole flight while i sit there staring out the window. I remember the first time i got on an airship was on our way to the 3rd phase of the hunter exam. Killua and i explored the ship together, but i know now that will never happen again.

As i look out the window at the Diamond covered land below, memories of when Killua and i looked over similar scenery come to mind. It was that same flight when he told me about his family and his desire to escape his former life. At the time he was so full of hope and he went on about how aweful his parents were and how he was never going back there. But my last memory of him is when we sat in the crow nest of the Shay Marcos and he was basically telling me he never planned to make it back from this trip. He had no hope.

I remember another time when we rode in an airship, it was when we were on our way to Heaven's Arena. That is where we fought together and side by side we learned to use our Nen. Even though i have only known Killua for about a year, I cant imagine having another friend like him. We have always been the exact opposite; North and South, Night and Day, Black and White. But last time i checked, you cant have one without the other.

Kurapika, Leorio, and Killua; the three very dear friends i made during the hunter exam. But Killua and i have always been especially close. The thought of never seeing him again makes me sick.

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