Chapter 4

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In Chapter 4 i will introduce one of the original characters like i promised, and the story will really get heated up. I hope everyone keeps reading and that you dont give up on me! =)  Like, Vote, Comment, and follow if you'd like!


A couple of days have passed since the incident in the forest, both Kurapika and i have made a full recovery. There are scares all over my body, but that is nothing new. What really bothered me, though, is the fact that i was the one that was down. It felt wrong for me to the one that was weak. If becoming normal means that i get weaker than i dont know if thats what i really want. 'Stop thinkning like that!' i yell at myself, 'Your not weaker, you're just not used to being normal yet. No thought of going back, i have to prove my brother wrong!' The thought of Illumi's dumbfounded expression makes me smile mischievously.

Kurapika had to get knew contacts because his eyes burned scarlet right through his last pair. I didnt think that was possible but i geuss it is becuae he did it. But now everything is fine, it's like nothing ever happened. That is except for Aunt Mito has been hovering over us while we were at the Fish Festival, watching our every move, it was kind of creepy. But we still enjoyed ourselves. Since we missed the first two days Aunt Mito was making up for lost time.

It was a blast, though when they were teaching us the different ways to prepare a raw fish i got really queasy. Everyone was laughing at me but Aunt Mito took pity on me and suggested we do something else. Today is the last day of the Festival so Gon and i wanted to go. Everyone one else wanted to stay ot home and relax. But Kurapika walked with us to town because he wanted to go to the book store.

So we go into town, Mr. Bookworm bought three new books, and Gon and I ended up getting kicked out of the Festival. "That store owner totally over reacted!" I shout as we are walking back home.

"Well you did kind of set his shop on fire." Gon informs me.

"Yeah, but it was only a small fire, a couple thousand Jennings worth of damage max. You should see when i set a real fire! One time when i was 7-years-old i was paid 150 thousand Jenning to kill this Corporate big shot and to burn down his head quarters. It was awesome, the huge building was on the ground in a matter of minutes!" I say excitedly. Then i look over and see there expressions, "Was that something that should go in the box of 'Do Not Share'?" i ask them, they both nod without a word. "Oh well, it was still fun. And the Festival was fun too."

"Yeah i really liked..." Gon stops midsentence, "Do you hear that?" He asks us in a low voice.

"What is it?" i ask as we all crouch to the ground.

"You can't hear them?" Gon asks sounding surprised.

"You know we don't hear the same thing as your crazy magic ears Gon." i tell him sarcastically.

"No, i mean it." he says seriously, "It sounds like someone is being chased down the path toward us. Who ever it is is breathing heavy and the people behind him are really big with loud footsteps." Just then we hear a burly man voice cry out but we can't make out the words.

"What did he say Gon?" Kurapika asks.

"I think he said stop or else."

"Or else? Or else what?" i ask sarcastically. No sooner did the words come out of my mouth then did we get our answer. A loud gunshot rings in our ears! We all instinctively shoot up into the trees for cover. "What was that?" i ask.

"I'm guessing that was the or else." Kurapika says returning my sarcasm. I stick my tongue out at the back of his head then we all fix our eyes down the path in the direction of the gun fire. A few seconds later a scantily dressed young girl comes darting around the corner and up to the edge of the trees. She stops, takes a breath, then vanishes into the shadows of the woods. 

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