Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 will be dedicated to caledoniaaa! Thnx for all your support, and i hope you keep writing you have talent! =)


Everyone is standing along the side of the road; we can hear the thunder rumbling in the back ground. All of us are dressed in black suit and tie attire. Though we all look emotionless, we are all torn up on the inside. 'I can't wrap my head around what happened." I think to myself, 'Just a few weeks ago we were all on Whale Island together. He was the picture of health and vitality.' And now we are looking at a long wooden being ower into the ground. I feel numb.

Ms. Mito, Grandma, and Milly are all crying. The three of us left from the original four are too numb to even breathe. He was so young, this should have happened to me! But i cant change that now, his name is already set in the large polished stone. And we can read it clear as day; "Killua Zoldyck died at age 13".

Melody comes up behind me and asks if she could play a song for him on her violin. As she plays the music surrounds me and sooths my soul. The lyrics "Sleep in heavenly peace" play over and over n my head. 'You deserve that my, to sleep in peace, my dear friend.' I say to myself.

I dart up and open my eyes wide; I'm sweating and my breathing is shaky. I frantically look to my right but i don't see Killua. "Killua, where are you?!" I exclaim in a strained whisper. I jump out of my cot and silently but swiftly make my way down the hall. I pause half way down the stairs; I can see him and Milly outside on the porch. This the third time this week i have found them outside on the porch, they jut sit out there and talk for hours.

I breathe a sigh of relief. 'It was stupid to get so worked up over a dream!' I yell at myself. I quietly head back upstairs to read by candle light.

I only read for about an hour and a half before i hear Killua and Milly climbing the stairs. I quickly blow out the candle, stuff it beneath my cot, and hide the book under my pillow. Killua comes into the room, though his footsteps are inaudible. He climbs silently into bed, "Goodnight Kurapika." He whispers.

"How did you know i was awake?" I whisper back.

"Easy, I have professional intuition," He says sarcastically. "That and there is smoke coming from under your cot."

'Oops' I think to myself. "Yeah, my bad." i say. As time passes and i dwell more and more on what i saw in my dream, the more concerned i get. "The sun is coming up, lets go for a walk." Killua looks at me quizically but agrees.

We head downstairs and pass Ms. Mito on our way out. We get about half way to the village before either of us says anything. "I know you and Milly have been talking late at night. What do you talk about" I finally ask him.

"I can't really say, most of what we talk about i promise to keep a secret." He admits sheepishly.

"I understand." i assure him. "Have you been feeling alright lately?"

"I guess so, other than what hapened a couple of weeks ago, I have been okay?" He replies. "Why do you ask?"

"You seem different; your behavior, your speech; i can't figure out why, but it worries me."

"But i have been acting more like a normal person. Shouldn't that make everyone happy, isn't that a good thing?" He asks sounding offended.

"I didnt mean it like that, please calm down. What i mean is you seem to be changing for the better, yes, but you are doing so at an incredibly fast rate. I'm worried about the effect it could have on you psychologically."

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