Friendships Crash & Burn

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Lexi's POV:

It has been 2 days since I told the boys and things have been great. Except for Wes's new fuck buddy has been sticking around. And let me tell you we all hate her. Even Kyle & Keaton and those boys usually hate no one.

Her name is Jen or as I call her the Wicked Bitch of the West having known her for who she really is. But Wes just thinks she's so great but what he doesn't realize is she's been hooking up with some other guy along with Wes. I want to tell him because I'm afraid he'll get the clap or something but the boys won't let me.

So today is Wednesday and lets just say I am happy we get to start the soccer lesson in gym!! Yeah buddy! The second my first class is over I run to the locker room and quickly get ready for gym. Once I'm done I head into the gym and sit with my friends. I see Wes and I see that he is wearing my missing SnapBack! I knew he had it! I saw him texting and I know it's Jen.

I laugh,"Wes you need to stop getting so attached to her." I state bluntly

He whips his head up,"What do you mean? Jen and me aren't together we just... You know."

I nod,"Yeah but your not the only one she.. You knows with." I say and I see all the boys sending me death glares

Kenny coughs,"Lexi I thought you weren't going to mention that." He states glaring at me.

I was about to say something back when I heard,"HEY WESSY!" In the most annoying voice on the face of the earth.

I groan,"Fucking wonderful." I mumble.

She comes over and straddles Wes's lap. The boys look at me biting there lips to keep from laughing.

"Cough, slut, Cough!" I mumble

The boys can't take it anymore they start to die from laughter and I'm right there with them. But I stop when I hear Jen say,"Wes tell that bitch to stop calling me a slut when she is one." She pouts to Wes.

The boys freeze they look to me knowing how horribly I control my temper. They were right my hands clenched to fists, my face went red and my blood started to boil.

"Excuse me!? Just because you started calling me a slut in 7th grade doesn't mean I am one! So why don't you just shut the fuck up and go mess with Jason's friends instead of us." I smirk at the end of my speech.

She gasps and slaps my right cheek. Oh shit she's gonna get it,"You bitch how the hell did you know about Jason!?" She shouts at me.

I silently turn my head back to face her. I clench my fists and I pull back and swing my right hand right into her face. It hits her nose with a satisfying crack. She falls on her ass and starts crying.

I kneel down in front of her,"Don't you EVER fucking hit me! And don't even think about calling me a bitch or anything EVER AGAIN!" I yell then I pull my SnapBack off of Wes's head and head to the field with the rest of the class.

Half way through class I was pulled off the field by the assistant principal. Oh great.

"Alexandra we have two students in the office claiming you were in a fight today and from the redness on you face they are correct. And don't get defensive we know you didn't start it but you did the most damage." She says as we head to the Principals office.

We get to the door and it opens to Jen, the principal and...,"WES?!" I shout

He jumps and looks at me,"Lexi just let me-... Let you what Wes? Explain!? No chance!" I cut him off

The principal loudly closes the door,"Ms. Alexandra you already know the punishment for getting into a fight. So you have a two week suspension and will take online courses while your out. And I want you to leave after lunch. There will be a staff member sitting in your classes and keeping an eye on you in the hall. This is your punishment now head back to the locker room class is ending."

I nod,"I understand." I say through gritted teeth before walking out of the office with my new escort.

I hear Wes shouting my name as I walk out of the locker room and meet my escort by my locker. I turn to see him leaning on his locker which sadly is by mine.

"Lexi please don't be mad at me." He says breathing heavy from gym.

I scoff,"Oh Wes you see I'm beyond mad! I am pissed! I am more then pissed even! There are no words to describe how angry I am right now!" I shout before slamming my locker door and walking with my escort to lunch. When I opened the door my escort went to the other teaches but made sure I knew she was watching. I walked over to my friends and told them to follow me to the table hidden from everything across the cafeteria. We all walk over there and sit and start talking like any other day.

I was talking to Steven when he looked up and frowned,"Don't look now." He says lowly

I turn and frown before I turn back around,"He can't take a hint can he?" I ask already knowing the answer.

Wesley Stromberg is never one to give up.

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