BBQ Disaster- Part 2

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Wes's POV:

I grab Stacy's hand and pull her away from the group hearing them erupt in laughter made me tense.

"Ow babe your hurting my wrist." I hear Stacy cry.

I stop,"I'm sorry baby she just gets me upset that's all." I say releasing her wrist and lace my fingers with hers forcing a smile onto my face.

She frowns,"Why she's such a nice girl Wes. She said you guys are friends." She says looking at me confused.

I sigh,"She's more then a friend to me." I say

She tilts her head,"What do you mean?" She asks sitting down in a lawn chair.

I take a seat next to her,"She was my girlfriend when I met you. The day we hung out at the pool was the day she moved in. She was shopping at the mall and came home to see us together. She went and stayed somewhere else. She went to a party that night and got drunk to try and forget. The next morning I called her and she dumped me. Two months later we had a fight on the last day of school about how she was leaving for 7 months on tour with her boyfriends band as their guitarist. She just got back yesterday for one week before she leaves again. I just found out yesterday that she and Jorel started dating a month after we broke up. I just hate that she doesn't even tell people. Like it didn't even matter to her." I instantly regret ending it like that.

She looks away,"You're not over her." She says quietly

I frown,"No it's just... Complicated.." I say not really confident in my answer

"Wes it's okay. She's a great girl. I totally get it.." She says drifting off at the last words.

"I don't know what to do, she's happy with Jorel." I sigh running my hands through my hair roughly.

"If you care about her as much as you say then you need to let her be with Jorel and if it's meant to be then it's meant to be. You can't force it Wes." She says laying a hand gently on my shoulder

I sigh,"Your right. But could you just kinda keep this relationship going until she leaves again so she doesn't think it's because of her being here." I ask pleadingly

She chuckles," Sure Wes." She says smiling before she gets up to say goodbye to everyone.

I sigh and walk back over to the group just as Jorel hands Lexi a her favorite drink.

He looks at me,"Hey man I got an extra one of Bo's favorites if you like-.. Rum and Coke yeah I do." I say cutting him off and grabbing the drink.

Lexi stares shocked,"You remembered that? Even J didn't know that until I told him." She says stunned.

I chuckle,"I'm the one that gave you your first one. You loved it so much you down six more and I had to drive you home and pull over so you could barf. I remember specifically that you had bad aim and while I was holding your hair I got some backfire on my favorite chucks." I say reminiscing.

She smiles and shakes her head,"And I specifically remember buying you new ones the next day." She says

I fake sobbed,"But with the old chucks gone so we're my memories. I had a full year in those shoes." I say mockingly

She laughs that angelic laugh,"The only memories those shoes held was athletes foot." She sasses back

I fake a dramatic gasp,"I have no idea what athletes foot you speak of." I say grinning ear to ear.

That night ended with me and Lexi going at it with old stories around the bonfire and J looking as bored as ever. I finally got her to smile around me again. It made my heart frantic just seeing her laughing, talking and joking like we used to.

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