Falling Apart

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Kathy's POV: (Bet you didn't think that would happen)

"I love y-...... BAM!" I hear through the phone.


"Mom what's wrong?" Gabrielle asks

I start to shake,"I think Lexi just got hit by a car.." I say worried.

Her eyes go wide,"When? How?" She asks frantic.

"Just now on the phone." I say.

"Hello?" I freeze when I hear a strangers voice on the phone.

"Who is this and why do you have my nieces phone?" I ask

"She's been hit. She went across the street when the light was green my mom didn't see her. They just took her in the ambulance." The person says.

I tense,"WHAT HOSPITAL?!" I shout frantic.

"Mercy Hospital." He says

"Thank you!" I say before hanging up.

"GABRIELLE LETS GO NOW!" I shout as we all run from the house and pile in my car. I peel out of the driveway and speed to the nearest airport. I hear Gabrielle on the phone with Wes in the backseat.

*At Hospital*
Wes's POV:

We run in the door and me and Keaton head straight for the front desk.

"Where is she at?" Keaton asks.

The familiar nurse types on her computer,"She is in room 5-195." She says pointing to the elevator.

I bolt to the door with the guys hot on my heels. We get in the elevator and hit the 5th floor button. When the elevator opens we run down the hall.




We stop in front of the door I turn the knob and burst in the door to see my life unconscious in a hospital bed, I sit in a chair by her bedside.

I walk next to her bed and sit in the chair I grab her hand and place a kiss on her hand. I let a tear slip from my eye as I look at her bruised left side she has a sling around her shoulder and a brace around her left knee.

"She didn't see it coming. They said that she got most of her injuries because she slid on the road and hit the curb." The doctor says.

"She was on the phone with Kathy. Kathy told me she was going to talk to Lexi because she knew me and Stacy broke up because I still cared... Well loved Lexi." I say shakily.

"Don't blame yourself Wes." Drew says laying a hand on my shoulder.

"It's all my fault." I whisper.

"Stop lying to yourself." A scratchy voice says next to me.

My eyes widen and I look over to see Lexi staring back at me smiling weakly.

"Bo your awake." I say.

"Yeah and your lucky I'm in a sling otherwise I would punch you for blaming yourself for this. I was the idiot who went across the street when it was it green. I'm awake and I'll be fine." She says squeezing my hand.

I look down,"I know I just freaked when I got a call saying you were in the hospital again. Then some stranger answered your phone when Kathy talked to you. I just I thought I was going to lose you and and-..... WES!" She shouts cutting me off.

"I know it was scary... But I will finish what I was saying Wes I love you. There I said it. But I don't want you worrying about me. I actually feel bad that you freaked the way you did. I know I scared all of you and I'm so sorry." She says looking down ashamed.

I put my finger under her chin and lift her head to face me. She looks into my eyes I lean in and peck her lips softly,"You have nothing to feel bad about." I whisper.

"AWW!" We hear behind us.

We all turn to see that it was Cassidy, Tahiti and Stacy.

Lexi laughs,"I know guys he's pretty amazing." She says winking at me.

I laugh,"Not as amazing as you babe." I say sitting back down in my seat.

Someone clears their throat,"Um hi." We hear a deep voice say.

"I'm doctor Jacobs." The man says.

"Hey Jacobs how's the fam?" Lexi says.

He smiles,"Their good Molly misses her favorite babysitter." He says.

"Aw I miss her! How old is she now 7?" She asks him while he checks her vitals.

"Yup she's getting big." He says writing stuff on his clip board.

"So what's the story doc?" She asks him.

He nods sighing,"You broke one rib, you dislocated your left shoulder, and you have a severely shifted knee cap. So in all you will be wearing that knee brace for a total of 4 weeks, the sling for a total of 5 weeks, and will need to be on bed rest for a week." He says looking at her sadly.

She nods,"Do I need crutches?" She asks

He shakes his head,"You can't for the first 4 weeks because it will put strain on your shoulder." He says.

"So how will she get around on her leg?" I ask him.

"Well she can get a wheel chair from us until her four weeks are up." He says.

"Ugh if I have to sure." She says

I laugh,"Babe it will be fine." I tell her.

Lexi's POV:

Wes laughs,"Babe it will be fine." He tells me.

I nod,"So will I be okay to go back home soon?" I ask doctor Jacobs.

He nods,"Yes but you have to promise to take it easy the first couple weeks." He says smiling at me.

I nod,"Don't worry we will definitely keep her out of trouble." Danny says.
I smile seeing the boys all pile in the room.

I scoff,"Me get into trouble? That's crazy." I say innocently.

Everyone laughs,"Yeah Lexi what were we thinking." Drew says sarcastically.

I laugh,"So when can I get out of here?" I ask

He looks at his papers,"Well your vitals look good we just need to run a few tests and go through some physical therapy drills you need to do daily. Who do you live with on a daily basis?" He says.

"I live with by myself as of recently." I say frowning.

He nods,"Okay so that means tomorrow you will need to find someone who can stay with and they need to be here so when we go over the drills they can help you." He says looking at me.

Wes nods,"I don't plan on leaving her side so I can do it." He says looking at me.

I shake my head,"No sir! You are going home and getting a good nights sleep and coming back 9 o'clock tomorrow." I say sternly.

He shakes his head,"No I'm staying." He says.

I motion him over to me. He walk closer I grab his collar and put my lips by his ear.

"If you don't go sleep you won't get to see me the whole time I'm injured. Okay baby." I whisper to him.

He stands up,"Uhm yeah I'm gonna go home." He says clearing his throat.

I smirk,"Yup and I'm going to go to sleep so bye." I say using my good hand to wave.

They chuckle and all wave bye before leaving the room.

Wes is last to leave,"I love you babe I'm so glad I have you back. I'll be here at 9 tomorrow." He says kissing me before walking out of the room.

I lie back and fall into a deep sleep happy knowing that I have the man I love back and I can finally start living the life I want.

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