Like every other day.. Maybe

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Lexi's POV:


Urghhhhhh!! Why do I have to have such a loud alarm.. Oh right because I need to wake up for school.. Ugh I hate school.

Well despite my inner battle about waking up I had to anyway. So I lazily rolled off my bed and fell onto my soft fuzzy carpet.. No you can't sleep on the floor again! I yelled at myself. After my little carpet meltdown I slowly stand and walk over to my dresser and grab a red half sleeve flannel, a black bandeau to go underneath, a pair of white washed ripped jeans, my favorite red SnapBack and my red and black Adidas kicks.

I lazily threw those on grabbed my bag and headed out from my third floor room and slid down the stairs slowly on my butt. Yeah I'm lazy in the morning.. You got a problem wit dat!?!

Once I finished my three story butt scooch down the stairs I ran to the kitchen smelling my aunts wonderful choco chip pancakes cooking. I sat at the table where my other siblings and cousins were sitting with the same excited expression as me. I love pancake Mondays!! They make Mondays actually fun!!

My Aunt Kathy set three big stacks of pancakes on the table. Immediately I lunged at the stack and snatched myself 3 of the bigger ones! Yay score!!

My aunt laughed,"Don't be so excited, with pancake Monday comes news."

I groan,"Ugh what is it today." I mumble as I finish my last pancake.

"I guess you forgot you have to wear a skirt to school today like the girls. And you have to wear heels too." She said before I got any ideas.

I groan again," Ughhhhh whhhhhyyyy?!??" I say whining

She chuckles as the girls pull me up the stairs," Because your a girl!" She shouts before my sisters close the door.

They all smile at me," You guys are seriously creeping me out." I say confused

My sister Austin speaks," Put on this skirt and these heels." She says throwing me the stuff.

I walk to the bathroom," Ugh fine but I'm killing the principal later."

They laugh but Amber speaks," Come on Lex give her a break-... Woah sis you look great!!" She says smiling at me.

I sigh," Whatever tell Aunt Kathy were leaving now."

It took us ten minutes to get to the school, so when I pulled into the parking lot I stopped my car next to my brother Kenny's.

I hopped out of the car with the girls and slammed my door and threw off those stupid heels. I huffed and walked over to my idiot best friends and brother. I went over and sat on the hood of Stevens car next to Kenny.

He laughed,"So sis you like the rule today I'm guessing?" He said sarcastically while the guys laughed.

I groaned,"Seriously I'm going to die if I have to wear these heels all day!! Steven, Mace, Brody, Erin, Adrian, you guys are going to be carrying my ass to my classes!" I yell to my five best friends.

Steven laughs,"Wow someone is not in a good mood. But I will help since you are my bestest friend!" He said before I jumped on his back and we headed through the parking lot.

As we were walking we reached half way across the parking lot when a white Nissan convertible pulls up and doesn't stop until about two inches away from us. They turned into the parking spot to the left and got out just as Steven hit the sidewalk. I jumped off his back and walked right up to the guy and his friends who were surrounded by sluts.. Of course. I pushed through the girls until I was standing right in front of them.

I glare,"Hey dumb ass you should probably go back to Drivers Ed because its not cool to almost hit people and then just walk away like it was nothing." I say annoyed

The familiar looking brown haired one laughs,"Sorry babe I just got a little distracted starring at that nice ass of yours." He says and gets a high five from his friend.

I scoff,"Well looking out the window is as close as you'll ever get lover boy! So why don't you go do what you do best and spend all day in the closet with your fuck buddy for the day!" That causes my friends to crack up. I get high fives from everyone including Kenny.

The brown haired guy looks pissed but then he gets a creepy smirk,"So I guess I'll see you there then?" Everybody chorused 'ohhh'

I glare at him, getting more infuriated Kenny could tell he puts a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see his angriest look,"Bro you better shut the fuck up right now!"

Brown hair looked shocked,"Kenny dude what's the problem it's just another girl your usually on my side with this stuff." He says with a confused look.

Kenny gets red faced,"You asshole this isn't any other girl it's my fucking sister so I would back the fuck off." He said stepping forward.

Brown hair who I now remember is Wes backed up,"Sorry do I had no idea." He said genuinely

Kenny sighed,"Its cool man just don't let it happen again because if we're scared of me when I'm mad, you'll shit your pants when you see her mad." He said with a chuckle

I scoff," Damn right!" I say giving high fives to my friend.

After that I turn around and walk barefoot into school with my friends.

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