Introducing Josh

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Josh was a normal boy living in a small house in Columbus. He had just turned 28 and was in desperately need of a job so he could keep paying all his bills.

The sun was slowly going down making the sky a lovely shade of pink. Josh was looking out his window adoring all the people walking past his house, which was one of his favorite things to do to pass time.

He decided to go for a walk to calm his nerves. He had been really stressed lately. His parents had been bugging him a lot lately. They really wanted him to start a life and get a boyfriend and a real job.

Of course he didn't want to disappoint his parents so he had quickly made the decision to look for a job. But looking for a boyfriend is something he didn't want to prioritize right now.

Josh put on shoes and walked outside breathing in the fresh air that surrounded him. He walked down the street and rounded the corner before he went inside his favorite coffee shop and ordered a black coffee but with lots of sugar.

After he got his order he walked outside again. Across the street was a club that Josh had seen a lot of times but he never had time to relax and have a night out with his friends. The club was the only one around and it was quite popular.

He decided to check it out right now that he already was here. He pushed open the big glass door and looked around. He walked down the stairs and was met by loud music playing from the speakers and a lot of strippers and people. And by a lot he meant a lot. Of both.

Josh had nothing against strippers, in fact he enjoyed watching them very much. "Welcome" Said a voice from behind him. He turned around and saw a short hispanic guy with long hair standing there. Josh just smiled back and nodded.

"Please get comfortable and remember the price for a private lap dance is $20 and $100 for a VIP dance and if you want a whole hour it's $400 and it's included a bottle of champagne in the price" he smiled and walked away.

'I don't even have money for a short lap dance' Josh thought. Josh's eyes landed on a flyer that said that the club was in need of a co bartender. He didn't even know that co bartender existed.

Josh walked up to the bar as he made a fast decision. "I could be interested in that job" he told the bartender. "Oh of course, just wait a minute and I'll find my boss" The pale boy answered me and quickly hurried away.

Maybe I'll finally get a job. Let's just hope it's not a bad payed job. He glanced around in the room his eyes landing on a fairly tall and skinny boy. His skin was a golden brown color and he had brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. The boy was wearing stockings and pink panties with a bow.

He was obviously one of the strippers in this club and Josh found himself sad over the fact that he didn't have any money right now

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He was obviously one of the strippers in this club and Josh found himself sad over the fact that he didn't have any money right now. Money was everything. Now Josh really hoped he would get the job.

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