Chapter 3

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I woke up to a strange feeling in my downstairs area. I quickly sat up in my bed, looking down my legs. What I saw, was Tyler in between my legs while sucking my cock.

"Tyler." I moaned as I realized what he was doing.

He was bobbing his head up and down, with spit running down his chin.
"Fuck, baby boy." He got off my cock smirking at me. "Did it feel good?" He asked.

"Of course, why won't you let Daddy fuck your tight little hole again?" I said and pulled him on top of me, connecting our lips together in a heated kiss.

Tyler was only wearing some cute white panties with glitter. "Fuck, you look so nice in these." I grabbed his butt, giving it a light squeeze.

He moaned out loud. I was rubbing his ass while we were making out. After a while, I could feel a pole sticking trough his panties.

"Someone is hard for Daddy." I teased him, running a hand up his bulge. "I guess you'll have to fuck me good then?" He winked.

"Are you into BDSM?" I hoped he was. The thought of tying him up made my cock twitch.

"Oh, do you want to fuck me into this bed while I'm tied up and completely helpless?" He reached over and took his hand in my underwear, stroking my cock slowly.

I took that as a yes.

"I really love these Calvin Klein boxers on you, you look really hot." Tyler blushed.
"Oh, I know."

I carefully pushed him off me, standing up and going to one of my closets that was placed in the corner of the room. It was funny when my family visited me and they thought that this was just an ordinary closet.

I opened the doors, searching for something to use on Tyler. I picked up some ropes and a vibrator.

"So you've been a bad boy?" I walked over to Tyler, grabbing his hair. "Waking me up with your lips around my cock." I whispered in his ear.

"M-maybe you should punish me daddy."
"You bet your pretty little ass I will." I slid off his panties, making him now completely naked.

"10 spanks for you, lay across my lap." I forcefully pushed him down on my lap.

"Count for me." I smirked before slapping his ass once.
"1" He moaned. I could feel his hard dick against mine.
I slapped his left ass cheek again, making him yelp out in pain. "2" He yelled louder.
After 6 more spanks, his ass was completely red and filled with my hand prints.

"Only 2 more, baby boy." I tugged a little at his hair.

"Oh yeah, please spank me daddy." He moaned out. I spanked him twice more.

"Lay down on your back." I commanded.
He scurried off my lap, slowly crawling to the middle of the bed, making sure I saw him wiggling his ass.

I took the ropes from the floor and headed towards the bed post, tying the rope around it. After I had tied both ropes to the bed post, I tied them to Tyler's wrists.

"They're not too tight?" I wanted to make sure he was comfortable. "No it's perfect."

I just smiled and started kissing him. He tasted so damn good. We were kissing for a little more before I grabbed his cock, stroking it. "First I'm gonna fuck you with this vibrator." I sad and held up a 7 inch vibrator. "And then I'm gonna fuck you with this." I pointed to my own dick, clearly an inch bigger."

"Please, daddy" He whined.

I slipped one of my fingers into his hole. I wiggled it around for a while. "More." He looked up at me with a pout.

"I am in charge here." I stated. I slipped in another finger hitting his prostate dead on, making him cry out in pleasure.

I slipped in a third finger, scissoring him. He was wiggling around, pulling his hips down on my fingers. I removed my fingers, wiping them on the sheets.

I took the vibrator, and teased him with rubbing it against his flushed hole. "Daddy please, I'll be a good boy." He stuttered.

I slowly inserted the vibrator in his ass.
"Oh yeah."  He mumbled.

I pulled it back out, just to slam in back in again. I did that a few times before leaving it deep inside of him. I put on the vibrator making him yell in surprise.

"My little whore." I whispered making him widen his eyes.

He was shaking, a little sweat dribbling from his forehead. "I should do this more often." I told him. He looked to be in so much pleasure right now.

"I want your long and fat cock in me, Daddy." He managed to get out. I slid the vibrator out of him. "Poor you, you probably feel so empty right now."

He just nodded, pulling a little at the ropes.

My cock was leaking pre-cum, and standing at full attention. Tyler was staring down at my cock while drooling.

I grabbed his legs and placed them over my shoulders. I slowly slid inside of him, groaning in the process. "You can fuck me so much better than any dildo." He whimpered.

I thrusted into his tight hole, the pleasure intensifying. "Oh yeah." I mumbled. His tight hole was clenching against my cock, making this feel amazing.

I held tightly onto his legs, thrusting harder than ever into him, his back hitting the bed post every time.

"Please let me cum, Daddy." He pleaded. I decided to be nice so I started jerking him off while fucking him relentless into the bed.

Just a few seconds after, the white liquid was spurting out of his dick. It only took a few more thrusts into Tyler's weak body, for me to come undone.

"What a lovely morning." I said after I had regained my breath. Tyler smiled back lacily. "You should probably clean the sheets." He laughed.

We laid a few more minutes in peace, until Tyler got a phone call. He grabbed his phone, answering the call. I didn't focus too much, but I guess it was something important.

"I'll be over soon." Tyler sighed into the phone. He hung up and started getting dressed. "Are you leaving."

"What does it look like?" He snapped at me.

"Chill dude." I muttered. Why was he so mad after sex. "Whatever, I'm gonna go." He was now fully dressed.

He left soon after that. What I didn't know, was that Tyler was going to fuck a lot of things up for himself.

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