Introducing Tyler

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"Get your ass over here." A voice called from the other side of the room. I turned around and noticed that it was my boss. "What?" I snapped at him. Yes, I was quite sassy sometimes, which is one of the reasons that my boss didn't like me.

"I want you to get dressed because the club opens 1 hour earlier today." He huffed. "And you need to lose that attitude." He said and walked away.

I just rolled my eyes and went to the changing rooms. Only staff members were allowed in so that the guests at the club wouldn't come in if we were gonna change. We have had a few incidents when people have just walked in but that's not my job to take care of.

I quickly changed into stockings and pink panties. There were girl and boy strippers in the club. I was one of the boys who loved feminine clothes. I was also one of the most payed strippers around.

"Tyler, shouldn't you find yourself a boyfriend soon?" One the girl strippers asked me as she walked in. The girl's name was Ashley. "Love isn't real, and I don't think anyone would date a stripper." I mumbled back. "Almost all of us has boyfriend or girlfriends Tyler, and they are really accepting." She told me and sent me a weak smile.

I just nodded and walked out of the changing room. There was already a few people here. All of the regular customers was already here. To be honest, most of the customers were creepy old dudes, but I can't just tell them no to a lap dance if they pay.

I went up to one of the poles and started dancing. I made sure to make eye contact with the ones I knew had the most money.

One of the guys waved at me to come over. "Hello darling, what's your name?" He said while staring me up and down and stopping at my crotch.
"I'm Tyler" I smiled. He handed me a $20 bill. "Come on and show me what you've got." He smirked.

I started swaying my hips to the music making sure he focused on my ass. I put both my legs around his legs so I was now straddling him in a sitting position. I started slowly grinding my hips into his.

The guy let out a soft moan and grabbed my ass. I grinded myself faster against him. "You love this, don't you?" I whisper in his ear. "God yes." He managed to get out. I suddenly got off him. "Time's up." I winked and walked away, feeling him staring at my ass.

"There you are." Ashley came running towards me. "Is something wrong?" I asked her.
"No, I just had to tell you that someone finally got the job as the co bartender." She said. "And why should I care?" I asked her. Honestly I couldn't care less.

"There he is." She pointed at a man sitting by the bar. He had red hair and what from I could see, had the body of a god. His dimples were showing whenever he smiled at something he saw on his phone.

The man looked up and met my gaze. "This is gonna be fun." I whispered mostly to myself.

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