Chapter 2

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(A/N) I'll be updating this book as often as I can. I guess it will be no longer than 4 days between each chapter. Hope you like this story so far.

It has been 4 days now since I fucked Tyler, and he wouldn't even look me in the eye. I had at least expected him to act friendly towards me. But no such luck there.
I don't know what his deal was.

The club had been really busy these days, and I was forced to work overtime everyday.

At least I was making some money for once. I was currently in the bar making a margarita for a guy, when one of the girl strippers walked up to me. "Hey, I'm on a break right now, why don't you take me to the dressing rooms and fuck me real hard?" She giggled and traced her fingers down my chest.

"It doesn't look like you have a dick." I sassed back at her. When will girls understand that I like dick?

"Well maybe I can show you that girls are so much better than boys?" She looked up at me with big eyes.

I pushed her away from me. "Slut, go strip for some 50 year old men, because that's all you're gonna get."

She just huffed and walked away. "That was funny to watch." I heard a voice say. Tyler had just sat down at one of the stools in front of the bar.

"Ah, you're talking to me again." I nodded at him. It hadn't bothered me that much, but he was a really good fuck, and I would not mind doing it again.

"Sorry about that, I just don't have a lot of one night stands." He looked down at his lap.

"Kinda understood that." I smirked at him.
"Maybe we could do it again some time." He asked me.

"Sure, you're a really good fuck Tyler." I laughed. My focus went away from tyler and to another man who wanted a drink. This was basically every night for me now. Making drinks to people, and deal with girls who wants to have sex with me.

It was now 4am, and I was ready to head home. I had grabbed all my stuff and was on my way out. "Josh, wait." I heard Tyler yell at me. "What is it?" I was tired and I just wanted to go home because I had a boner and after I fixed that, I need to sleep.

"I was wondering if I could maybe come home with you?"
"And why would I wan't you to come home with me?"

He placed his hand on my clothed dick, making my breathing hitch. "That's why." He smirked. I knew he had gotten it the way he wanted, when he took my hand and pulled me out of the club.

"Get in." I pointed at my car and unlocked it.

The drive was awfully silent. It wasn't awkward, it was just that I really wanted to fuck someone (specifically Tyler) , and I'm sure if I said something, I would have been stuttering like hell.

When we arrived at my house, we got out of the car and I looked at Tyler for his approval. "Cute." He mumbled. "I know it's not the biggest house." I told him. I wasn't rich.

"Doesn't matter." He said and followed me up to the door.

Fast forward a few minutes and he was straddling me on my bed.

"Fuck me with your hard cock daddy." Tyler looked at me pleadingly. I could feel my jeans tighten because of the way he grinded down on me.

It took probably a few seconds before all our clothes were gone, and I had already stretched Tyler and was ready to enter him.

"Please, daddy." He grabbed my dick and was placing it near his hole.

I smirked down at him while teasing him. Tyler let out a loud whine as I slammed into him. I thrusted in and out of him, loving the feeling of my dick inside him.

"Right there, Daddy." Tyler screamed as I hit his prostate right on.

I looked down at Tyler, seeing that we was covered in a thin layer of sweat, his lips parted while letting out small moans.

Only the sight of him looking like this, could make me cum.

My thrusts were getting sloppier, the closer I was to my climax. "I'm close." I warned him. "Come for me, Daddy" Tyler looked me in the eyes. Only a few seconds after, I came inside of him. "Oh, Daddy." He mumbled.

I quickly grabbed his dick, rubbing it slowly. Tyler let out a loud shriek while he came all over his lower abdomen.

I licked up all the cum on his stomach while looking him in the eyes. He was still trying to recover from his orgasm.

"That was hot." He told me. "What's hot here, is my cum leaking out of your ass." I winked at him. He just blushed and laid down on my pillow. "I'm really tired, can I sleep here?" He asked me.

"Do what you want." I just wanted to sleep.

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