Chapter 12

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I woke up in bed with a brown haired man. And it wasn't Tyler this time. I was fully aware of what I did because I wasn't drunk.

Do I regret it? Kind of.

I contemplated if I was going to tell Tyler but came to the conclusion that maybe that wasn't the smartest thing.
I know he wouldn't care. It's not like we're a thing.

I heard a groan coming from Brendon laying next to me.

"You awake?" I asked.

He looked up at me and gave me a thumbs up. My ass still hurt from last nights activities. I usually wasn't a bottom but Brendon wouldn't let me top him.

"Dude I gotta go." Brendon looked at the time on his phone and hurried out of bed.

He quickly put on his clothes while looking stressed. I laughed a little as he struggled to get on his black jeans as he almost tripped.

"Gotta go, you have my number." Was the last thing he said before he ran out the door and out of my house.

I definitely didn't want to start a relationship with him but he was a cool person so I think we can become really good friends.

I checked the time and saw that it was only 10 in the morning. Work didn't start before 8 so I had a lot of time.

My job was "okay paying." That was probably since it wasn't that many who wanted to work that late. But since I didn't have anything else to do, it was the perfect job for me.

I didnt know if I wanted to sleep more or make some breakfast. Sleeping is a beautiful thing but breakfast sounds really good right now.

I got out of bed and pulled on my boxer briefs and a random t-shirt and skinny jeans.

When I reached the kitchen, I remembered that I hadn't gone grocery shopping yet. I checked my box of fruit loops to find a little was still left.

"Thank god." I mumbled to myself.

I grabbed the box and sat down on the couch and found a TV-show I wanted to watch.

I was eating the fruit loops right out of the box and to be honest, it's tastes better this way.

I settled for watching The Kardashians because I loved the drama. Maybe a little too much.

Kim was fighting with Khloe over something stupid as my door bell ringed.

"Now who dares to disturb my alone time." I said as I reached the door.

To no surprise, Tyler stood there.

"Hey." Was all he said as he nodded my way. It looked like he had been crying. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks had tear stains. I really wanted to pull him in for a hug.

I reached out for him but he surprised me when he flinched away from me.

"Sorry." He whispered.

I couldn't quite figure out Tyler. Sometimes he could be so happy and confident but other times he's just sad and scared.

"It's okay baby boy." I told him honestly.

"Wanna come in?"

He just nodded and gave me a weak smile. Even I could tell that it was forced.

He sat down on my coach with his legs crossed. I carefully sat down beside him.

"Wanna tell me what's up?" I grabbed his hand wanting to feel his soft palm against mine.

He snapped his hand away from me and placed it firmly in his own lap.

I furrowed my eyebrows at his actions. He had never had a problem with me holding his hand before.

"We can't do this anymore." He blurted out.

I looked at him with big eyes.

"You're kidding right?" I asked. Right now I didn't care that I sounded upset. Of course I would care if I lost Tyler. I had grown on him and he had grown on me.

At least I hoped I had grown on him.

"I'm serious Josh." He looked everywhere but my eyes.

I quickly got up from the couch and waved my hands around frantically.

"Tyler, why are you saying this now? Did Frank tell you that you couldn't be with me?" It had to be another reason that him just getting sick of me. Right?

"No Josh, I just don't want to do this anymore." He muttered and got up from the couch too.

We stared at each other for a few seconds.
"Well get out then." I said.

"What why? We can still be friends." He said and reached for my hand.

Now it was my turn to push him away.

"Fine." He said and stomped out of the room.

"And by the way I fucked the guy from the bar yesterday." I yelled after him.

"I know." I could faintly hear him say before he slammed the door shut.


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Sorry for the delay in updates but I'm busy watching clown sightings videos.

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