Chapter 4

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(A/N) Please vote and comment <3


I had been feeling really sick lately. Tyler had been over at my house a few times the past weeks. It was great being with Tyler.

We didn't really do much but fucking, but I had realized that he actually is a nice person.

He had actually taken care of me these last couple of days. I had probably only gotten the common cold, but it felt like my head was going to explode.

I was better today then yesterday, which I was thankful for.

I was currently laying in bed, watching TV while waiting on Tyler to come over. He was at work, something I haven't been able to do.

I heard a knock on my door. I got up from the bed and went towards the door. When I reached the door, Tyler sprung in and slammed the door behind him.

He had a frantic look on his face, and he was breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" I asked. His gace fell upon me, and he seemed to be shocked that I was there. "Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be?" He laughed, calming his breathing.

"Well, you look exhausted, do you want something to eat or drink?" I nicely asked.

He looked back at the door and then back to me again. He suddenly dropped to his knees.
"What are yo-" Tyler stroked his hand over my growing bulge.

Just the sight of him, turned me on.

He buckled up my belt, dragging my pants down to my knees. "I want to suck you off, Daddy." 

Well that was a change in mood.

He took his hand down my boxer briefs and started stroking my hardening cock.

He dragged my underwear fully off, making my dick spring free. He widened his eyes. "I can't get over how big you are." He said in an innocent voice.

I groaned, and put the tip of my dick to his lips. He stuck out his tongue, licking my tip like it was a lollipop. He put my tip into his mouth, sucking on it a few times.

"Fuck baby." I moaned and grabbed his hair.
A few seconds later, he took my whole length into his mouth, making me grab his hair tighter, and pulling at it.

He let out a moan, sending vibrations trough my whole cock. The pleasure I received was amazing.

"Daddy's gonna fuck your little mouth now." I said, my dominating side coming out. He just nodded while my dick was still in his mouth.

I grabbed a fistful of his hair while fucking his mouth. He was full on gagging, but that didn't stop me.

He felt so wet and good around me. I could feel my cock hitting the back of his throat repeatedly. I could feel myself getting closer.

I looked down at Tyler. His eyes were red and a few tears were falling from his eyes. "You're so good at taking Daddy's cock, you slut." I moaned.

I was so close. I pushed Tyler's head further down my cock, his nose now brushing against my lower stomach.

He was making gagging noises, but he was still not resisting my grip.

"What a good little slut you are." I pushed him off my dick. His face was flushed red and filled with tears.

I grabbed my cock, stroking it fast. You could hear slapping noises in the whole room. Tyler was also licking my red tip. I put both my hands on his hair again.

"Come for me daddy." He whispered, his throat sore. With those words, I came all over Tyler's face. I was loving the sight.

I slapped Tyler with my dick, wanting to see his reaction. He looked up at me with big eyes, clearly enjoying this.

I pulled up my pants. "Let's get you cleaned up, I said referring to his cum filled face.

"But I look pretty like this." He said and looked at me. "You really do, but we wouldn't want you to be sticky all day." I followed him to the bathroom.

After he was cleaned up, we sat down in my sofa watching TV. Tyler was clearly hard.

He could wait for a little longer until I finished him.

We were watching Supernatural when someone knocked on my door. Tyler stopped breathing for a second. He looked scared.

"I'll get it." I told him. Maybe he didn't want people to know he was here. I opened the door to see a man I've never seen before standing there.

"Is there a guy named Tyler here?" He asked. His breath smelled like alcohol. I turned around, to see Tyler shaking his head in fear.

"No." I turned back to the man. He was probably around 30 years old. He had black long hair. "I'm sure some of my guys saw him walking in here." He said matter-of-factly.

"Too bad, now if you're done, I'm gonna go back to fucking my girlfriend."
"If you see this guy." He showed me a picture of Tyler, "Call my number, he's done some shitty things and I don't think you look like a trouble maker." He handed me his number.

"Well bye." I slammed the door in his face.

"Thank you." Tyler whispered and looked down at his lap.

"Who was that?" I asked, genuinely confused.  "No one."
"That surely didn't look like no one." I said aggravated. "If you are in trouble, and bringing that shit to my house, I suggest you stop coming here." I spat at him.

I was annoyed. I didn't want to get in trouble. That was not on my list of thing I need right now.

"I'm sorry okay? I didn't think that he w-would come here." He stuttered, looking kind of frightened by my outburst.

I just sighed and sat down beside him.

"What did he want?" I asked him.
"I don't know." He fumbled with his hands.
"You clearly know, but if you don't have the guts to tell me then good fucking bye." I said, staring at him.

"Josh, I just don't think it's any of your business." He sighed. "We're not dating, we're just fucking. You don't have to know about my personal life." He snapped back.

"If you bring your shit here, then yes."

"I'll talk to you later, Josh." He said and got up and left.

What a confusing guy.

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