Chapter 14

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Tyler's words shocked me.

Did he really love me?

"You what?" I gaped at him. This was a really bad situation.

He just nodded and looked down. I didn't know what to think or do. Had I thought about if I loved him before? I guess I had, but I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

"You know this is gonna make a lot of problems for us?" I told him. I knew that if Chris or Frank found out about him loving me, they would probably punish him in the worst way possible.

"I don't give a shit about that right now." He said confidently while reaching forward and grabbing my hand.

I still didn't know what to do.
Was I supposed to kiss him? Or maybe I should tell him that I love him back, but do I love him back?

All these thoughts were messing with my head before I just decided to kiss him.

I hadn't kissed him in a while so it felt better that ever. His lips are still so soft and he tastes so damn good.

"Please just fuck me Josh." He pleaded and looked me in the eyes.

I could feel my cock twitch in my pants at his words. I didn't even think twice before ripping both our clothes off.

I now had him pressed up against the wall, making out with him while squeezing his bum lightly.

"Your ass is so good." I said and slapped it, making him yelp out at the sudden contact.

He grabbed my cock and slowly jerked me off.

"Fuck I missed this." I mumbled.

It had only been a few weeks, but every day without Tyler was just boring.

"Do I have to stretch you?" I asked.

He just shook his head. He probably fucked Chris when he was here earlier. I really didn't want to think about that right now because that was complete turn off.

Tyler got down on his knees and spit in his palm and stroked my now fully erect member.

I let out a loud groan when he started sucking on the tip of my dick.

"Don't tease." I said and grabbed his hair roughly. I just wanted to fuck him.

I could feel pleasure in my whole body when he took more of my dick into his mouth, making sure that he was hollowing his cheeks while he bobbed his head up and down on my cock.

My breathing was getting heavier every time he came back up and swirled his tongue around my slit.

"Wanna fuck you now." I managed to get out.

He looked up at me with eager eyes and removed his mouth from my member with a loud pop.

I grabbed his shoulders and helped him up and slammed him against the wall before sucking on his sweet spot right below his ear.

I flipped him around and pushed his ass out a little so it was right in front of my cock.

I grabbed my cock and rubbed it around his tight hole, teasing him a little.

"Please just fuck me Daddy." He moaned and pushed back on my dick.

I roughly grabbed his neck and leaned closer to him, whispering in his ear;
"I make the decisions here baby boy."

He let out a loud whine at my words.

I lined my cock with his hole and rammed right into him. The feeling of his tight hole clenching around me made me moan loudly.

I grabbed his hips and pulled out of him before pushing in again with more power.

I angled my dick so that I would hit his sweet spot.

"Right there Daddy." He screamed and pushed his ass back every time I went in again.

"Such a slut." I groaned, the ecstatic feeling indulging my whole body.

How was he still so damn tight.

"I-i'm gonna cum." Tyler moaned out.

"Already?" I teased him and fucked him harder than before, the sound of skin slapping together getting louder.

I was about to grab his dick when someone opened the door.

"What the fuck is going on?" A voice said.

I snapped my head around to find Chris standing there with his eyebrows furrowed.


Sorry short chapter.

But I just wanted to tell you that this fic is terrible written and I don't have that much inspiration anymore but I will finish it.

It's probably only gonna be a few more chapters and then it's over.


I'm gonna make a new fic that I'm actually gonna use a lot of time writing PROPERLY, and the plot is 10x better.

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