Chapter 13

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(A/N) I noticed that I get less and less reads on my chapters, so I guess my writing isn't that good but thank you to the people still reading this <3



Tyler had been avoiding me at all costs the last week. Of course I had tried talking to him.

I just wanted to know why he would end the little "fling" that we had going on.

He had explained that it wasn't important why he didn't want us to fuck anymore.
Somehow I don't believe him.

At least I feel like it's important because Tyler had been one of the few people in my life that I really care about.

And believe me when I say that I had tried telling him that but that was the last time we talked because he had slapped me and ran out of the club.

Since then, he wouldn't even look at me.

And I have noticed that Frank and Chris had been coming here more often. Almost everyday, and I'm sure that they have fucked Tyler more the last week than I had fucked him the whole time we have known each other.

Right now for instance, Chris had Tyler pressed up against the wall rubbing his dick.

"Is this fucking allowed." I asked Vic, pointing at both of them.

He must have noticed that I was getting worked up because he just shrugged his shoulders and smirked a little.

"What are you smiling at?" I slapped him lightly in the back of his head. Did he really think that this was funny? It sure as hell wasn't funny to me.

"Sorry dude, but you're like so in love with him." He laughed, now fixing a drink to a girl sitting by the bar.

"I so am not." I snapped back at him.

I was not in love with Tyler. I admit that at some occasions I had been wanting to actually date Tyler. But I mean that would never work. Right?

"You totally are, and I know-" He raised his voice at little "-that he definitely is in love with you too."

His words shocked me a little. How could he know? I glanced at Tyler making out with Chris. I still couldn't imagine how it feels kissing an old man with greasy hair and yellow teeth.

Tyler lifted his eyes a little quickly making eye contact with me.

That's the most contact I've had with him in days. "Wow, progress" I muttered making sure Vic couldn't hear me.

Tyler didn't break the eye contact when he slowly inched his hand downwards Chris's body and suddenly grabbed his dick trough his pants. He was rubbing his clothed dick while Chris sucked on his neck.

The sight made me want to puke.

Tyler must have sensed my discomfort because he smirked and turned back to him and started kissing him again.

What the fuck did I do to him?

He was the one who didn't want to be with me anymore. What a dick.

"Can someone here make me a Margarita." A clearly drunk man came up to the bar yelling. I had already finished making one a while ago but the guy ordering it left before I had the chance to give it to him.

I handed him the drink as he handed me the cash.

"Wanna fuck?" He asked.

Well that was straight forward.

I looked up at Tyler again and decided that two can play that game.
No one was by the bar and Vic just rolled his eyes at me.

"Okay but this is the last god damn I'm gonna let you leave to fuck some." He hushed me away.

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