chapter three

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Ugh, this chapter took me forever to write.
Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like if you did.


History. I can't say I like this subject but i don't hate it either. I think it's interesting, but our history teacher is just too much. He's so boring and old. Ugh, I don't like him. If we had another teacher I might've enjoyed the history classes, but no.

"God." I sigh and Claire rolls her eyes.

"Come on, it's not that bad. Besides you get to see Jonathaaaan." She says in a flirty voice and now it's my turn to roll the eyes. We enter the classroom to find only Beverly in the room, sitting on our regular seats along the windows to the left.


I fell asleep. Can you imagine? It's so awkward. When you wake up everybody look at you, and you hope to God that you didn't snorted or drooled.

"I'll divide you into pares, and in those pares you'll work on a project about this subject until Christmas break." Our teacher says and I turn to Beverly in confusion.

"Wh-What are we doing?" I ask and she raises her eyebrows while shrugging. Hopefully the person I'll work with knows what the hell we are suppose to do.

"The first pare is Jonathan and... Quinn." He reads from his paper and I almost shocked my one spit. Is this a coincidence or meant to be because I just got to know that boy. I look to my side, searching for Jonathan and find him looking at me. He smiles at me when he notice that I'm looking at him and I smile back. This shouldn't be that bad. Jonathan seems like a nice, descent person that knows where he's standing.

When our teacher is done we get the day off to work on the project. As soon as he let us out of the classroom Jonathan closes up at my side.

"Hey partner, wanna work at the project?" He says and I can't help but smile. I bite my lip then pushes him in the side, making him take a step away from me.

"Yeah sure. Do I even have a choice?" I answer and Jonathan smiles at me. This was our last period for today so we decide to go home instead of being at school.

"My mom's working late and my brother should be home by five, so my place? It's easier to work when my brother isn't home, trust me." I say as we take our stuff out of the lockers. Jonathan's locker is a few meters away from mine, but not too far away so we can talk in normal tone.

"Your place it is." Jonathan says as he closes the locker.


"I have to warn you. The house is a disaster and my room is worse so don't expect anything." I say and Jonathan laughs lightly. We walk on the sidewalk on our way to my house. The clock is 2.46 pm and it's only about five minutes left before we reach our destination.

"It can't be that bad. You should see my room." He says and I raise my eyebrows.

"You'll see. It's worse than hell. If I knew I were having guests over I would've at least taken away all the clothes from the floor." I say while looking at Jonathan. He raises his eyebrows then a smile creeps into his lips.

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