chapter five

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I love River Phoenix, such a beautiful person.


"Jon! We can't take that!" I almost scream at Jonathan as he picks up an abnormal big watermelon to put in the basket.

"Why not? I love watermelons." He says with a smile and I try to make an angry face, but I can't.

"Yeah, well we can't take that one, it's too big!" I say and he starts to look for another one. I roll my eyes as he lifts another one up with his eyebrows raised in an inquiring look.

"Fine." I give up and he gets a happy smile on his face as he puts the watermelon down in the basket.

"You are so stubborn, you know that?" I say as we keep walking forward in the grocery store.

"Yeah." He sighs and looks at me. "My mom tells me everyday."

I look at him and laugh while shaking my head. The only thing we've succeeded to catch is a watermelon, toilet paper, dish soap and some candy.

"Is this all we gonna eat? Because I'm not that craving for toilet paper with dish soap and candy. I haven't tried it yet, but it sure doesn't sound good." I say and Jonathan shrugs.

"I thought we could try it out. I've heard it tastes good." He says and looks at me with a mischievous look.

"Yeah sure. Who told you that? What sick person would try this?" I say looking down at the basket and Jonathan laughs.

"Okey you're right, we should find something to eat." He says, looking for something eatable at the shelves.

"What about this?" He says holding up a jar filled with kidney beans.

"Are you serious? I don't even know how to cook them." I say.

"Wait, you cook them?" He says with his eyes squinting. I punch him on the arm while smiling.

"You're such a dork." I say and he just laughs while putting the jar back where it was.

"Come on, we need to hurry. Drew will be back home in 15 minutes, so we need to make it back before that." I say and Jonathan actually shape up.


When we arrive at my house it doesn't seems like Drew's home yet so I puff out and unlock the door.

"Your watermelon weighs so much, Jon. We did we even buy it?" I question myself but Jonathan answers.

"I like watermelon, remember?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I remember." I say in a strained voice while putting the bags down on the floor to take my shoes and jacket off. Jonathan does the same while I carry the bags out in the kitchen and put them on the desk. I unpack the groceries and it doesn't take long before Jonathan closes up to me and helps me out.

"I really appreciate this, thank you." I say looking up at him. He looks down at me and gives me an half faces smile.

"Yeah well, anytime. I'm glad I can help." He says and I smile.

"It's kinda strange though." I say and Jonathan gives me an confused look. "I mean, we- we barely know each other and here we are about to make dinner together."

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