chapter six

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This chapter is so shooort...

I'll try to make next one longer and I assure you that Jonathan will take part in it!
And also, school starts tomorrow so I'm not sure I'll be able to update as often but I promise I'll do my best!


I walk to school with a big smile on my lips. Yesterday was a success and I'm so glad Drew likes Jonathan. I don't know why that bring so much joy to me, I just feel like I've done something good for Drew. Ever since dad died he's been avoiding people in general. Sure he was young, but that gave him problem. All his friends asked him why he didn't have a dad and so on. And yesterday I saw the connection between him and Jonathan, and I just felt how everything started to fall back into what it was before dad past away.


When I enter the school I walk directly to my locker. I take my jacket off and put my bag in. When I walk towards the classroom I see Jonathan's group sittings by the tables, chatting and laughing. But I can't see Jonathan.

In class I can't see him either. Maybe he's late? Or he could be sick. 1 hour pass and now I'm certain he's sick because no one ever comes 1 hour late. I look over at his seat. Somehow I feel a sadness in my chest. I won't see him until Monday, that's three days.

Jesus, am I in love?

I've never felt like this before, but somehow it feels impossible. Can you really fall in love with someone after three days? Well, technically it's one year and a half, but I've only like known him for three days.

This is insane! I'm not in love!


During lunch I sit quiet and Claire snaps her fingers in front of my eyes. I look at her and Beverly like if I just woke up from a dream.

"W-what?" I ask and they both look at me.

"You okey, Q? Cause you look like you haven't slept since 1823." Beverly says and I shake my head while frowning.

"No, no I'm fine. I'm just a little bit tired." I answer her and Claire looks at me with a face I've never seen before. She looks kinda angry, but also sad and almost... disappointed.

"You and Jonathan were up all night or what? Is that why he isn't here today?" She says and I feel how all the blood in my body disappears and leaves a cold feeling.

"What?" I almost whisper, not really sure what to say.

"What, you thought we wouldn't figure it out? That you lied about your mother working so you could be with Jonathan instead of us? Do you think we are stupid or something?" She says and I look at her with confusion in my eyes. I'm totally thunderstruck, I just sit there with my mouth half wide open while Claire keeps scolding me.

"We're your best friends, Quinn! You could've told us the truth." She says and I frown.

"I did tell you the truth, my mom worked all night..." I try to explain but Claire interrupts and all Beverly do is sitting there, looking at me with empty eyes.

"You know what, don't make it any worse then it already is, okey? We're done." She says, staring right at me and I feel how the tears fill up my eyes. "Come on, Bev. Let's go."

They both leave me alone, and I look down at my plate. I haven't even touched the food, and I'm not really that hungry anymore. I quickly wipe away the tears on my cheeks before leaving the dining room. How did this happen? Fifteen minutes ago I felt good, happy. I felt like life was going to the right direction. But now...? Suddenly it feels like everything just falls over me, burying me alive.


In class I don't sit with Beverly and Claire. I sit alone in the back and throw discreet glances at them. How could they do this to me? I thought we were friends? Sure, I should've told them about Jonathan, then maybe this would never have happened. But now it's too late for that. I don't know what to do anymore. I've lost my two best friends in the world and right now I feel so alone. I have to talk to them, I have to make this right.

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